Fabiana Anselmo Polido Lopes
PHD Student,
Teaching Summary
I have worked as a Teaching Assistant in Business Anthropology at The University of Manchester for three years. I really enjoyed the teaching environment where you get to discuss theoretical and… read more
Research Summary
Fixing the Future: The Right to Repair and Equal-IoT.
The popularisation of digitalisation has allowed the most mundane aspects of everyday life to be facilitated by technology. Examples of this are home-based smart technologies devices, such as home vacuum cleaners, smart lights, smart speakers, e.g., Alexa etc. There has been an exponential increase in the numbers of people who own these devices, however, they are often discarded or replaced by users, because of the lack of support to repair and reuse them. This has a consequence of an increasing accumulation of e-waste all around the world. Repairing hardware is very important, but also is the repair of software and the maintenance of data. My research explores ways to make support and repair of the software and data related to home-based near future technologies more accessible to everyone. I am focusing on Human Data Interaction (HDI) and I am investigating how the repair and maintenance of such devices can be supported respecting the principles of agency and legibility.
#repair #house #smartdevices #data #agency #legibility #sustainability
I have worked as a Teaching Assistant in Business Anthropology at The University of Manchester for three years. I really enjoyed the teaching environment where you get to discuss theoretical and practical ideas with the students.
Past Research
Vats, T., Sailaja, N. and Anselmo Polido Lopes, F., 2024, October. Exploration of User Perspectives around Software and Data-Related Challenges Associated with IoT Repair and Maintenance against Obsolescence: User Study on Software and Data Interactions and Considerations for IoT Repair and Maintenance against Obsolescence. In Proceedings of the 13th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 1-17).