James Todd
PhD Student,
I am a PhD Student within the CybSec research group in the School of Computer Science.
Teaching Summary
I have assisted with the following modules:
- COMP1003 Introduction to Software Engineering
- COMP1005 Programming and Algorithms
- COMP1054 Assembly Language Programming
- COMP1055 Networks
- COMP1056 Computer Architecture
- COMP1009 Programming Paradigms
- COMP2013 Developing Maintainable Software
- COMP4024 Software Engineering Management
- COMP4104 Malware Analysis
Research Summary
Assessing the Practical Security of Automotive Control Systems
Automotive Control Systems control various aspects of a vehicle's powertrain, safety, and comfort systems, and as a result are given a significant amount of responsibility. It is therefore important that the security mechanisms within these systems are well designed and capable of preventing both an external and internal attack. Vulnerabilities present within these systems could cause significant damage to the vehicle, its passengers, and other road users due to the amount of physical actuators that each system controls. This project aims to determine if the automotive control systems utilised, both past and present, have been designed with a tendency towards functionality over security. It also covers ways that vulnerabilities in such systems could be prevented, without hindering their capabilities and functionality.
Past Research
I have previously carried out research into legacy automotive diagnostics systems.