School of Computer Science

Image of Kher Hui (Marina) Ng

Kher Hui (Marina) Ng

Associate Professor,


  • workRoom BA36 Block B
    Malaysia Campus
    Jalan Broga
    43500 Semenyih
    Selangor Darul Ehsan
  • work+6 (03) 8725 3412


Dr Marina Ng is an Associate Professor and research member of the Mixed Reality Lab (MRL) UK and Mixed Reality Hub, Malaysia. She is also the Associate Dean - Admissions, Recruitment and Marketing of the Faculty of Science & Engineering (FOSE).

Dr Marina Ng began her research journey in 2000 through her final year project at Multimedia University, Malaysia, resulting in several journal and conference publications, a patent application and university grants. Awarded the prestigious British Chevening Scholarship, she pursued her postgraduate studies in the UK, where she joined the renowned Mixed Reality Lab at the University of Nottingham, obtaining a Master of Research (MRes) in 2002. She completed her PhD within a 3-year timeframe under the supervision of Prof Steve Benford and Prof. Boriana Koleva. It was awarded without conditions (one of the few in the school's history to have achieved this).

She is now based in University of Nottingham Malaysia; advancing Human-Computer Interaction research and championing STEAM research and education in Malaysia.

She is the recipient of the Lord Dearing Award 2022 in recognition of her outstanding performance and excellence in teaching. She was also conferred the Vice Chancellor's Medal 2022 for her exceptional contribution to students and the local community.

Expertise Summary

Dr Marina Ng's research expertise is in the field of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), specialising in mobile, mixed reality and Internet of Things (IoT). She has been developing novel interactive technologies - merging physical and digital interactions to explore new ways of living, playing and working. She has extensive experience in conducting interdisciplinary research, employing ethnography, user-centred design, iterative prototyping and participatory design approach, and also deploying and studying them 'in the wild'.

Teaching Summary

Dr Marina Ng is the module convenor of the following modules: COMP2025 - Human-Computer Interaction (2nd year module). COMP3042 - Fundamentals of Information Visualisation and COMP3045 - Information… read more

Research Summary

Digital Cultural Heritage

  • An interdisciplinary research collaboration to preserve and promote cultural heritage using AI and immersive technologies.

Adaptive Learning System for Malaysian Schools

  • An industry research collaboration to explore the development of a personalised and engaging learning system to cater for the diverse learning styles and needs of students.

Developing IoT Toolkit for making cultural serious games

  • The 3D serious game maker toolkit allows users to create 3D environments and games without any programming experience.

AI Storytelling Authoring Toolkit

  • A research collaboration with the School of Education, UNM to improve literacy learning among students through AI Storytelling.

Using Serious Games for creating awareness in Epilepsy

  • A research collaboration with University of Malaya Hospital to develop serious games to educate patients, families and the public on Epilepsy.

Personalised Nutrition App for Cancer patients

  • An interdisciplinary research collaboration to develop an adaptive mobile app for cancer patients to manage and monitor their health through recommended plant-based diet.

Dr Marina Ng is the module convenor of the following modules: COMP2025 - Human-Computer Interaction (2nd year module). COMP3042 - Fundamentals of Information Visualisation and COMP3045 - Information Visualisation Project; and COMP3047 - Schools Experience (Final Year modules).

Past Research

Designing for Cultural Reflection

  • A research collaboration between Baba Nyonya Heritage Museum, Malacca and University of Nottingham to develop museum interactive installations to promote cultural reflection

Augmenting learning with personal mobile technology

  • A research collaboration between Royal Selangor Pewter and University of Nottingham to augment learning and visitor experience through the development of Internet of Things (IOT)-enabled pewter objects

Mobile Garden Guide based on Artcodes

  • A research collaboration between Crops for the Future (CFF) and University of Nottingham to support informal learning experience in public setting based on Artcodes, a new visual recognition system.

Using Serious Games for Teaching and Learning Immunology

  • An interdisciplinary project that aims to develop and evaluate serious games as a means to teach human immunology.


  • A research project in partnership with Dyslexia Centre Malaysia to develop an air tracing reading tool for children with Dyslexia.

Understanding Underutilisation

  • A research collaboration between UNMC, Crops for the Future (CFF) and Horizon UK to understand why people buy/ or not buy underutilised fruits and vegetables.

Motivating Mobility

  • A multi-centre interdisciplinary project to develop novel interactive systems to promote physical activity for recovery of upper limb function post-stroke

E-Science Usability for Schools

  • Worked in a multi-partner interdisciplinary project to create a usable and reusable toolkit that supports teachers in creating new learning experiences

Fairground THRILL

  • Worked in a multi-partner interdisciplinary project to explore the relation between thrill and pleasure using wearable, wireless telemetry systems
  • Involved in the design and staging of a series of public exhibition and evaluation in Science Museum London


  • Team member of an European Integrated Project involving interdisciplinary multi-partners that aimed to develop a software suite for authoring, publishing and experiencing interactive multimedia stories and content


  • A £10million project bringing together researchers from eight UK institutions which focused on the integration of physical and digital interaction
  • Carried out PhD research, by extending Pin&Play infrastructure, in collaboration with EQUATOR partner, to develop a tangible pin-board with actuated pins

Situated Hybrid Assemblies in Public Environments (SHAPE)

  • A multi-partner interdisciplinary project combining social and computer science expertise to develop and evaluate assemblies of hybrid, mixed reality artefacts in public place

Virtual Learning Environment Terminal (VLET)

  • Research into the development of multimedia textbook for engineering courses with extension to integrate multi-modal interfaces

School of Computer Science

University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

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