CSPSCentre for Spartan and Peloponnesian Studies

News and events

Find out more about what is happening here at the CSPS.

Since 2006, the Centre has run an annual series of research seminars and annual lectures. These are delivered by distinguished scholars and young academics researching the history and archaeology of Sparta and the Peloponnese.

The Centre has also organised or hosted a number of international conferences and symposia. These run in both the UK and Greece, in collaboration with other universities, associations and local governmental agencies.

Our PG students also organise a dedicated series of PG and Early Career International Conferences.

Painting of a seated woman presenting a shield to a young male warrior wearing a helmet standing before her. Two small children hold the warrior's spear while a dog watches.
Jean-Jacques-François Le Barbier, 'A Spartan Woman Giving a Shield to Her Son', 1805, oil on panel


Kythera and Laconia, a continuous dependent relationship

Microsoft Teams online event

Beyond the Throne: the archaic finds of the Spartan sanctuary of Apollo Amyklaios

Microsoft Teams online event

Families, Friends, Selves: Approaches to Black-Led Research

A19 (Committee Room), Trent Building

Neolithic Alepotrypa Cave: a reassessment of past and current research

Microsoft Teams online event

CSPS International Symposium: The Art of War

The garden of the Archaeological Museum of Sparti

Sparta and Athens - A Classical Love Story

Microsoft Teams online event

Dedicatory Patterns at the Hero Shrines of Sparta

Microsoft Teams online event

Ritual employment at (inter)regional sanctuaries

Microsoft Teams online event
Displaying 41 to 50 of 95
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Past seminars


In October 2019 Dr Maria Pretzler (University of Swansea) delivered a research workshop on Sparta and Argos in the archaic period: how far should we go to reconcile literary and material evidence?  


Professor Paul Christesen (Dartmouth) and Professor Paul Cartledge (Cambridge), What's New in Ancient Sparta: Some Archaeological and Epigraphic Reflections on the Spartan Way of Death; Ellen Millender (Reed), Sparta's Spectacular Austerity. 


Barbara Caré (Turin/visiting CSPS post-doc fellow; Re-thinking astragali in archaeological contexts: the case-study of the sanctuary of Artemis Orthia at Sparta)


Professor Paul Christesen (Dartmouth; Equestrian competition in classical Sparta: a new interpretation of the Damonon stele); Professor Stephen Hodkinson (Nottingham; ‘koinôniai and the Spartan way of life); Maciej Daszuta (Wroclaw); Why did Herodotus take an ethnographic approach to the Spartans?); Kendell Heydon (Nottingham; The selection of the hippeis in Xenophon's Spartan Constitution and hegemonic masculinity); Dr Andrew Bayliss (Birmingham; Tyrtaeus and Spartan history); Dr Maria Pretzler (Swansea; Small States in the Peloponnesian League: What was in it for them - and for Sparta?)


Kendell Heydon (Nottingham; The selection of the hippeis in Xenophon's Spartan Constitution and hegemonic masculinity); Dr Andrew Bayliss (Birmingham; Tyrtaeus and Spartan history); Dr Maria Pretzler (Swansea; Small States in the Peloponnesian League: What was in it for them - and for Sparta?)


Professor Olga Palagia (Athens; The Amyklaion sculptures in Laconia); Dr Anton Powel (Swansea; Hard power and soft history: Spartan Studies - alchemy or chemistry?); Dr Rosie Harman (UCL; Reading Xenophon); Dr Stella Katsarou (Hellenic Ministry of Culture; Alepotrypa Diros cave); Dr Harikleia Brecoulaki (National Hellenic Research Foundation, Greece; Mycenaean frescoes from Pylos); Dr Rosie Harman (UCL; Reading Xenophon)


Dr Bjorn Forsén (Helsinki; The Artemis Lykoatis sanctuary in Arcadia); Dr Helen Roche (Cambridge; Spartan ideals of self-sacrifice and German military propaganda); Dr Giannis Xydopoulos (Thessaloniki; Macedonians and Southern Greeks); Dr Dimitris Kourkoumelis (Hellenic Ministry of Culture; The Mentor shipwreck)


Professor W.G. Cavanagh (Nottingham; Kouphovouno excavations); Dr Thomas Nielsen (Copenhagen; Coalition fighting in the late archaic and classical Greek world); Dr Dimitris Sakellariou (Hellenic Centre for Marine Research) and Dr Nicholas Flemming (Southampton) on oceonagraphic work at the (now submerged) prehistoric town at Pavlopetri; Dr Jim Roy (Nottingham), Around Mount Lykaion from the Bronze Age to the Roman Empire; Dr Benjamin Millis (Leicester; Early Roman Corinth); Peter Davies (Nottingham; Lakedaimon and Messenia); Dr Philip Davies (Nottingham; Sparta and Plutarch)


Professor Joseph Maran (Heidelberg; The Appropriation of Amber Objects in Mycenaean Greece); Dr Benjamin Grünert (Freiburg; Friendship and patronage in Sparta); Dr Clare Pickersgill (University of Nottingham Museum; The contribution of pottery studies to an understanding of Roman Sparta); Dr Mercourios Georgiadis (Nottingham) and Aris Tsaravopoulos (Hellenic Ministry of Culture & Tourism), Leska on Kythera; Dr Constantinos Paschalidis (National Museum of Athens, The Mycenaean Klauss cemetery)


Aris Tsaravopoulos (Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Tourism; Antikythera excavations); Dr Emily Banou (Peloponnese; The Minoan peak sanctuary at Ayios Georgios tou Vounou on Kythera; Dr Thomas Heine Nielsen (Saxo-Institut, Copenhagen; Athletic contests in ancient Peloponnese); Dr Chysanthi Gallou (Nottingham, Pavlopetri survey); Socrates Koursoumis (Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Tourism, The sanctuaries of Artemis Limnatis and Demiova on Mt Taygetos)


Professor Jan Bremmer (Groningen; The Initiation of Spartan Girls); Dr Hamish Forbes (Nottingham; "So what about the Parthenon?" Identity, monumentality, ethnicity and nationality in a Greek rural community)


Dr Annalisa Paradiso (Basilicata; A new edition of Xenophon’s ‘Constitution of the Lakedaimonians’); Professor Ellen Millender (Reed College; Thucydides and Sparta); Dr Michalis Petropoulos (Hellenic Ministry of Culture; The temple of Artemis Aontia at Rakita, Ano Mazaraki, Achaia); Dr Anna Karapanagiotou (Hellenic Ministry of Culture; Kyparissia: a planned town of the classical period in Arcadia)


Dr Agiati Benardou (King’s College, London; Settlement and Religion in the Classical Corinthia); Dr Katie Demakopoulou (Hellenic Ministry of Culture & Sports; The excavations at Midea in the Argolid); Dr Ioannis Fappas (Thessaloniki; Ceremonial Aspects of the Use of Perfumed Oils in the Mycenaean World); Professor Joost Crouwel (Amsterdam; Dutch fieldwork at Geraki (Geronthrai): A study of settlement in the Spartan hinterland); Dr Rachele Dubbini (University of Heidelberg), Agora and Agon in Peloponnesian cities); Anna Banaka (Hellenic Ministry of Culture & Sports; Workshops of terracotta figurines at ancient Argos from the Archaic to the Hellenistic times); Dr Evi Margaritis (Wiener Lab, ASCSA); Agricultural practices and economy at ancient Corinth).


Professor Paul Cartledge (Cambridge; Sparta on the Silver Screen); Anastasia Panagiotopoulou (Hellenic Ministry of Culture; The mosaics of Roman Sparta)


Spartan Society Report from the CA conference

Philip Davies and PhD student Peter Davies from the University of Nottingham report on the first of two panels on Spartan society at the recent CA conference

Graphic novel portrays Sparta from the helots' viewpoint

The author Kieron Gillen, author of the comics series, THREE, visited the University recently to take part in a Round Table with staff from Nottingham's and the Institute for the Study of Slavery (ISOS).

Meet the Spartans (with Greek subtitles)

Classics Confidential interview with Professor Steve Hodkinson

Meet the Spartans

Professor Stephen Hodkinson in interview for Classics Confidential.

1st Postgraduate Conference

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Recent outreach events

Children’s Workshops: Ancient Greece - The Spartans

Were the Spartans all fierce warriors? 

Or more like you and I?

School students find out more about this ancient civilisation with our experts on ancient Greece. They take part in practical activities exploring the lives of Spartans. They discuss stories about Sparta’s military training, cult practices and everyday life activities to decide whether the reputation of Spartans are mere ‘war machines’ is to be believed. 

CSPS works closely with colleagues from the University of Nottingham's Widening Participation and Outreach team and IntoUniversity to deliver the Nottingham-based activities. 

If your school is interested in getting involved in our projects, email Dr Chrysanthi Gallou

Click here to find out more about CSPS's public outreach and engagement events


Centre for Spartan and Peloponnesian Studies

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0)115 951 4800
fax: +44 (0)115 951 4811
email: csps@nottingham.ac.uk