Sexual misconduct

Holding Hands 714x300 

Sexual misconduct

The University of Nottingham is committed to ensuring we do all we can to provide a safe and supportive environment for everyone. We do not tolerate sexual misconduct or other behaviours as outlined in our code of conduct.

The University defines sexual misconduct as:

  • Engaging or attempting to engage in sexual intercourse or a sexual act where consent is not or cannot be given
  • Sharing another person's private sexual materials without their consent
  • Kissing/inappropriately touching without consent
  • Inappropriately showing sexual organs to another person
  • Making unwanted remarks, sounds or gestures of a sexual nature

How to report an incident

If you or someone you know in the university community has experienced or witnessed an incident like this, you can tell us anonymously or provide your contact details through our Report + Support system. By making a report through this system, you are not making an official report or complaint to the university. 

When we receive your report, someone from the university will be in touch to offer a meeting. This is so we can offer of support as well putting in place any safeguarding arrangements that might be needed. We can also explain your reporting options and help you to decide on the next steps.  

You will then be given a number of reporting options, which include:

  • Informing the police
  • Receiving support from the Topaz Centre which offers free confidential healthcare and support
  • An appointment with one of our qualified Sexual Violence Liaison Officers
  • Asking the university to investigate the incident (if the responding student is a university student)
  • Receiving support from university services




Student Communications Officer

Communications and Marketing
University Park Campus
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone:+44 (0)115 82 32353