School of Education

Grow Your Own Easy Greens Under Lockdown

Online Webinar
Wednesday 6th May 2020 (15:30-16:30)

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The number of places available is limited to encourage questions and discussion. One we reach the limit for this session, a waiting list will activate. We will add anyone registered and those on the waiting list to our mailing list to contact you about future events in this series. You can request to be removed from this mailing list at any time by emailing us.



Worried about accessing fresh vegetables under lockdown?  Learn and discuss with Alison McGrath how to grow quick nutritious greens at home, with or without a garden, and share tips and ideas with others.

Chair and facilitator

Volker Wedekind and Deborah Costley


Garden Organic has a comprehensive range of resources designed for schools but equally good for adult novice gardeners. On this site you can find simple illustrated instructions for everything from sowing seeds and thinning seedlings to choosing a growing site and planting green manures. 

Alison McGrath's website - The Tired Gardener looks at gardening from a health perspective, giving guidance for people who suffer from energy limiting conditions. You will find instructions for simple, cheap food growing activities including windowsill salads, sprouting seeds and growing from supermarket living herbs and salads. 

Garden Organic podcast - a monthly exploration of organic gardening. Every episode includes what to do this month, questions and advice, plus fascinating interviews with well known growers - from Joe Swift (and his time with Gardeners' World) to Jane Perrone (houseplant expert). Plus topics such as vegan gardening, how to attract wildlife, seed saving and the health benefits of organic food.

Vertical veg website -  Learn how to maximise your crops when growing in small spaces and containers. 

Royal Horticultural Society - crop by crop advice on successful growing.

Foraging - There are many wild foods available to supplement your diet if you know where to look and what to pick. 





School of Education

University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

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