Book Launch - Springer Handbook of VET

C45, Dearing Building, Jubilee Campus
Wednesday 30th October 2019 (13:00-18:00)

No need to register, just come along.

Please contact us if you have any further questions about this event.


The School of Education will be hosting a book launch for the newly published Springer Handbook of VET, which features a number of School of Education staff and past and present students.

The event consists of the following sessions:

Session one - The Springer Handbook: Evolution and Aims

  • Simon McGrath, University of Nottingham
  • Joy Papier, University of the Western Cape
  • Martin Mulder, Wageningen University
  • Rebecca Suart, University of Derby (to be confirmed)

Session two: Taking the VET Literature Forward

  • Lesley Powell, Nelson Mandela University
  • Joyceline Alla-Mensah and Haya Fakoush, University of Nottingham
  • Volker Wedekind, University of Nottingham

 Session three: VET Futures (title to be finalised)

  • Borhene Chakroun, UNESCO

School of Education

University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

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