School of Education

Ubuntu: A decolonial epistemic shift for education

Webinar via MS Teams
Wednesday 21st October 2020 (16:00-17:00)

Please register your attendance



Presented by Dr Sobantu Sibanda, Canterbury Christ Church University

The School of Education celebrates Black History Month by exploring contributions to educational thought from Black thinkers and scholars. The focus of this webinar is Ubuntu, the Southern African theory of being. Ubuntu as a philosophy is predicated on a communitarian conceptualisation of being captured in the saying, “I am because we are, and since we are therefore, I am” (Mbiti, 1969).

The webinar draws on the expertise of Dr Sobantu Sibanda, whose doctoral research explored Ubuntu as a theory of social and educational justice. Dr Sibanda will explain the African philosophy of Ubuntu, show how it represents an alternative epistemology, and suggest how it can be harnessed as a critical tool to inform research and teaching. He is particularly interested in exploring ways in which Ubuntu might contribute to decolonial pedagogies. After his presentation, he will take questions and engage in discussion with attendees, and suggest readings and resources for those interested in pursuing the topic further

This is an internal webinar for staff and students from the University of Nottingham via Teams.  Please register using your University of Nottingham email address.

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School of Education

University of Nottingham
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