School of Education

Regional Network for Black and Global Majority Trainee Teachers

MS Teams meeting
Wednesday 8th December 2021 (17:00-18:00)

Please register attendance

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Join us for the second session in the newly launched Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Black and Global Majority Teacher Network aimed at trainee and early career teachers!In this session, we will be hearing from two experienced teachers who will share their journeys as black and global majority teachers, their successes and the challenges they have faced. Through listening to their narratives, the group will explore how to promote and celebrate diversity as black and global majority teachers.

During the session, there will also be opportunities to network with other black and global majority teachers and discuss future events.

Djimadom, who attended our launch event, commented that the network has helped him 'start to feel empowered to be part of an important network to eradicate challenges such as racism and discrimination in society and the workplace' and believes the network will support members to 'reach their potential in their practice' and 'feel comfortable in both their personal and professional life'.

We hope to see you there!

This session will take place in MS Teams and those registered will receive details on how to join the event nearer the time.

School of Education

University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

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