Towards Outstanding Geography: Creating an amazing KS3 curriculum

Dearing Building, Jubilee Campus, School of Education
Thursday 6th July 2023 (13:30-17:00)

To book your place, please email the School Partnership team with your full name and school name by Thursday 29 June. 

A booking confirmation will be emailed to you prior to the session.


Geography Subject Interest Group Session

As part of our commitment to our Partnership schools, we are inviting secondary mentors and other geography colleagues to attend this ‘Subject Space’ session. The idea behind the Subject Space is to provide opportunities for professional dialogue and development amongst our peer group – if possible, and appropriate, supported by external speakers to provide expert input.

This open session will focus on curriculum making. There will be three active sessions across the afternoon, with colleagues sharing their KS3 curriculum making journeys as an initial stimulus. We have also secured Mary Biddulph (one of the advisory group on the new GA curriculum framework) to share the thinking informing this key document and how it could be applied to shine a light on your existing KS3 curriculum. Most importantly there will be the opportunity to share ideas and network with geography colleagues.

You may wish to bring colleagues with you as it gives a good opportunity to explore and refine your work, and of course ‘magpie’ the work going on in other schools!

We would ask that attendees bring:

  • an overview of their KS3 as it currently stands (might be as a Programme of Study document)
  • one scheme of work you have at the top of your priority list to work on
  • your intent statement (assuming of course you have one!)

Registration is from 1.30pm, at which point light refreshments will be available. The session will run from 2pm to 5pm.

When registering for this event, we will collect personal data from you. This information will not be passed outside of the University of Nottingham. Please read our privacy information for more detail about how we use data.

Useful information for travelling to Jubilee Campus, parking and campus map

School of Education

University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

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