School of Education

Launch of the Criminal Justice Network

Jubilee Campus, Room B03, Sir Colin Campbell Building
Tuesday 3rd May 2016 (11:30-14:00)
Please register to attend this event.

This is a unique opportunity to network with key contacts and to learn more about the Criminal Justice expertise offered at the University, through a workshop following a talk by special guest speaker, Dr Carolyn Mears. A light lunch will be provided. 

Hosted by the University's School of Education and supported by the Institute for Mental Health, don’t miss Dr Mears’ exclusive guest lecture as she discusses her award-winning research into the aftermath of the Columbine shootings and other tragedies, helping us to better understand what happens when people are exposed to life-threatening events.

Dr Carolyn Mears
Author of award-winning research into the aftermath of the Columbine shootings and other tragedies, Dr Mears is internationally known for her work in support of communities, schools, and families devastated by traumatic events. Dr Mears is also a founder of the Sandy Hook-Columbine Cooperative. 

In the aftermath of the Columbine High School Shootings, in which her son was a survivor, Carolyn put together an oral history project with other parents and teachers, from which an understanding and approach to traumatic experience and the process of working through trauma emerged.  Her research resulted in the award winning book: 'Interviewing for Education and Social Science Research: The Gateway Approach' and she went on to publish a follow-up book: 'Reclaiming School in the Aftermath of Trauma: Advice Based on Experience'.

The Criminal Justice Network
Fair, effective and robust criminal justice systems are a fundamental bedrock of any successful and safe society. To operate at their best, the constituent parts of these systems – the police, security services, courts, prisons and probation services have to work as well as they can, as well as with each other, at all levels, local national and international, and with local communities.

The University of Nottingham has a proven track record in world-class research and teaching which supports these organisations and systems and produces the next generation of practitioners, researchers and teachers in this field. See more about the expertise offered through the University on our Criminal Justice Research Centre website 

Event Agenda
11.30-12.00  Lunch and Networking   
12.00-12.10   Welcome Dr Gary Winship 
12.10-1.15   Reclaiming School in the Aftermath of Trauma Dr Carolyn Mears 
1.15-1.30   Launch of the Criminal Justice Network Professor Todd Landman,
PVC Social Sciences 
1.30-2.00  'Reducing the Incidence of Gun-Crime' workshop Professor Todd Landman 

School of Education

University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

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