School of Education

Fight the Power! Games, Thermostats, and the Energy Patriarchy

An new article, co-written by Dr Pryce Davies, has been published in the International Journal of Designs and Learning. It focusses on designing board games to encourage families to reflect on household energy consumption and environmental sustainability.


Confronting issues of global climate change will require creative approaches to energy consumption across a range of human activities. This design case looks at the evolution of a physical/digital hybrid board game that we created to encourage families to reflect on household energy consumption and environmental sustainability. Design in this context was particularly challenging due to the nature of household heating and cooling systems, which tend to be opaque and difficult to understand. Our challenge was to employ game mechanics to help build up interest, awareness, and understanding of heating and cooling systems, while at the same time providing an enjoyable and engaging activity. Through many rounds of play testing and interviews, we converged on the design presented here. We start with a conceptual framework describing modern energy practices, after which we describe the game design and reflect on its strengths and weaknesses.

Please visit the publisher's website to read the full article.

Posted on Thursday 11th June 2020

School of Education

University of Nottingham
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