School of Education

Vox Poetica: bringing an arts-based research methods to school leaders' lockdown experiences

The Journal of Educational Administration and History has published an article from Professors Pat Thomson and Toby Greany and academic colleagues, focussing on the potential use of arts-based methods as a vehicle for developing insights about the lived experiences of school leaders.


The work of school leaders during lockdown has been emotionally charged and emotionally draining, affecting immediate well-being and longer term career plans. To communicate the emotions that we were told about and which were obvious during interviews with serving headteachers, we turned to arts-informed methods. We used poems made from transcripts to complement and supplement the analysis of 58 interviews and survey responses (n = 1491). This paper introduces the use of transcript poetry and explains our choice of method. The poems foreground the diversity that existed among the leaders, and different kinds of interventions that might make a difference. Our example suggests that the educational leadership, management and administration field might benefit from further experimentation with arts-based methods.

Visit the publisher's website to read more.

Posted on Friday 6th May 2022

School of Education

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