School of Education

Dr Yuwei Xu speaks at King's College London seminar

Dr Yuwei Xu was a guest speaker at a King's College London seminar. The event was part of a seminar series in the Centre for Public Policy Research, which invites speakers from across disciplines to discuss questions of social justice.

Dr Xu's presentation focussed on contextualising gender-sensitive pedagogy and practice in early childhood education and care.

Presentation summary

This presentation concerns the Sustainable Development Goal 4 (Quality Education), Target 4.a to ‘build and upgrade education facilities that are … gender sensitive’. It problematises the lack of definition on ‘gender sensitive’ education in this important international policy, by drawing on findings from an international project that explored practitioners’ understanding of gender sensitivity in early childhood education and care (ECEC) in England, China, Germany, and Sweden.

The findings reveal culturally relevant interpretations and practices of gender-sensitive education across the four countries, challenging the universal approach to gender-sensitive education by Sustainable Development Goal 4. A culturally-sensitive framework for gender-sensitive ECEC is discussed.

Dr Xu is a member of the Centre for International Education Research.


Posted on Friday 25th November 2022

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