School of Education

MA Education students attend international conferences

We are proud to share that our MA Education students have attended major educational conferences in summer 2023. These include:

  • The European Conference on Educational Research, University of Glasgow, August 2023
  • The British Educational Research Association Annual Conference 2023, Aston University, Birmingham, September 2023
  • The Education and Development Forum (UKFIET) Conference 2023, University of Oxford, September 2023 

The attendance is funded by the University of Nottingham’s Learning and Development Fund. 

Students shared their reflections returning from the conferences: 

Gunel Hamidova 

I want to thank the University of Nottingham, which supports the development of students and provides them with a valuable chance to expand their horizons. It is a praiseworthy action.

It was a fruitful and enlightening conference held at the University of Glasgow in August. The European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) annually brings together researchers, academicians, policymakers, administrators, and practitioners from parts of Europe to share their latest educational study.  Those three days were incredibly productive, and I was deeply impressed by the dedication of these hardworking and ambitious individuals who invested their time and effort into advancing their research. It was a valuable opportunity. I also expanded my network by meeting new people and engaged in very useful conversations. Being a masters student, I had the opportunity to ask questions that piqued my interest regarding research studies. 

Wenxiu Zhao

The spark of ECER's ideas has brought a lot of inspiration to my teaching practice. ECER brings together different educational ideas, which I am curious about and provoked to explore in practice. 

Pungki Siregar

I would like to express my gratitude to the University of Nottingham for granting me the valuable opportunity to participate in multiple educational conferences this year. I have recently participated in two educational meetings in September. The first meeting was the Global Childhoods Research Group (GCRG) Hybrid Symposium 2023, which took place at our Jubilee campus. It was an exceptional event that covered various intriguing topics relevant to my current research focus. I gained extensive knowledge about childhood education through research presentations delivered by honoured researchers from various universities worldwide.

The second conference, UKFIET 2023, took place at the University of Oxford. Over the course of three days, we engaged in extensive and stimulating discussions regarding the challenges and opportunities associated with the establishment of a fair and equitable education system. A key takeaways I gained is that education encompasses more than mere academic success. Additionally, it aims to cultivate students' critical thinking abilities, empathy, and social responsibility, which are essential for their personal success and for creating positive societal impact. I have come to realise that as a student, I also play a significant role in the advancement of education. Connecting with other people through conferences is highly beneficial for enhancing my skills as a future researcher. 

Other students who have received funding to attend those conferences include Tahmina Akter, Hui Liu, Dan Zhao, and Pengjuan Yuan.

Posted on Monday 9th October 2023

School of Education

University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

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