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Image of Stephen Joseph

Stephen Joseph

Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences



Stephen Joseph is the cluster convenor for counselling and psychotherapy teaching and training in the School of Education. Stephen is a senior practitioner member of the British Psychological Society's Register of Psychologists who specialise in Psychotherapy. Stephen is also an HPCP Registered Health and Counselling Psychologist. His research interests are in human flourishing and well-being.

Before joining the School of Education in 2013 Stephen was Professor of Psychology, Health and Social Care in the School of Sociology and Social Policy where from 2006 he co-convened the Centre for Trauma, Resilience and Growth (CTRG) with Professor Steve Regel and was an honorary consultant psychologist in psychotherapy in Nottinghamshire NHS Trust.

Before joining Nottingham, Stephen was at the University of Warwick (1999-2006) as Senior Lecturer/Reader in Health Psychology and Research Tutor on the Clinical Psychology training programme. Prior to that, he was at the University of Essex (1994-1999) as Lecturer/Senior Lecturer, and the University of Ulster (1991-1994) as lecturer.

Stephen studied as an undergraduate at the University of Ulster . His first degree is in Psychology (1983-86). He has a Masters degree in Social Psychology from the London School of Economics (1986-87) and a PhD in Psychology from the Institute of Psychiatry (1988-91) which was a social psychological investigation of emotional processing in survivors of the Herald of Free Enterprise disaster completed under the supervision of Professor William Yule. Stephen also trained as a person-centred counsellor at Metanoia Psychotherapy Training Institute (1996-2000).

Expertise Summary

Positive Psychology: Human flourishing and well-being.

Person-centred approach and client-centred therapy

Psychological trauma and posttraumatic growth

Research Summary

Stephen has three main areas of research.

First, Stephen is interested in the topic of human flourishing and well-being. What do we mean by well-being? How can well-being be measured? What are the factors that lead to well-being? In particular, Stephen is interested in authenticity and what it means to live authentically.

Second, Stephen is interested in the person-centred approach to psychotherapy, counselling and coaching that was originated by Carl Rogers. Can person-centred therapy help people live more authentically, and to experience greater flourishing and well-being?

Third, Stephen is interested in how people deal with life adversity - from accidents and illnesses to war and disaster. Specifically he is interested in posttraumatic growth. Can psychological trauma be a positive turning point in peoples' lives? How can therapists facilitate posttraumatic growth?

Stephen is keen to supervise doctoral research in any of the areas above.

In the past he has supervised students studying topics such as childbirth-related trauma, school bullying and its effects, posttraumatic growth in survivors of childhood abuse; resilience in cancer patients, measurement of religiosity and its its relation to well-being, self-acceptance, measurement of posttraumtic growth, and positive psychological approaches to well-being.

Selected Publications

  • REGEL, S and & JOSEPH, S, 2010. Post-traumatic stress: The facts Oxford University Press.
  • JOSEPH, S, 2010. Theories of counselling and Psychotherapy: An introduction to the different approaches Palgrave.
  • JOSEPH, S and LINLEY, P. A., eds., 2008. Trauma, recovery, and growth: positive psychological perspectives on posttraumatic stress Hoeboken: Wiley.
  • WORSLEY, R. and JOSEPH, S., eds., 2007. Person-centred practice: Case studies in positive psychology PCCS Books. (In Press.)

Past Research

Human Flourishing and Well-Being Research

Stephen was one of the team who developed the Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-Being Scale (WEMWBS) which is now widely used to assess peoples' levels of well-being. For more information about the scale, including guidance on use go to:

For an electronic copy of the scale, go to:

Carers Research

Stephen led the team who developed the Adult Carers Quality of Life Questionnaire (AC-QoL).


He was also part of the team led by Professor Saul Becker which developed the Multidimensional Assessment of Caring for Young People and the Positive and Negative Assessment of Caring for young People.


Posttraumatic Growth Research

Stephen's research on the psychology of trauma has received much coverage in the media, most recently following the publication of his new book: what doesn't kill us: the new psychology of posttraumatic growth, which explores the idea that traumatic events can be positive turning points for people.

See also,

  • STEPHEN JOSEPH and SHIFRA SAGY, 2017. Positive Psychology in the Context of Salutogenesis. In: MAURICE B. MITTELMARK, SHIFRA SAGY, MONICA ERIKSSON, GEORG F. BAUER, JÜRGEN M. PELIKAN, BENGT LINDSTRÖM and GEIR ARILD ESPNES, eds., The Handbook of Salutogenesis Springer. 83-88
  • KENDRICK, D., KELLLEZI, B., COUPLAND, C., MAULA, A., BECKETT, K., MORRISS, R., JOSEPH, S., BARNES, J., SLENEY, J. and CHRISTIE, N., 2017. Psychological morbidity and health-related quality of life after injury: multicentre cohort study Quality of Life Research. 26(5), 1233-1250
  • STEPHEN REGEL and STEPHEN JOSEPH, 2017. Post-traumatic stress: The facts 2nd edition. Oxford University Press.
  • STEPHEN JOSEPH, ed., 2017. The handbook of person-centred therapy and mental health: Theory, research and practice 2nd edition. PCCS Books.
  • STEPHEN JOSEPH, 2017. The problem of choosing between irreconcilable theoretical orientations: Comment on Melchert (2016) American Psychologist.
  • STEPHEN JOSEPH, 2017. SAFE TO PRACTISE: A new tool for business coaching supervision. Coaching Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice.
  • DAVID MURPHY, STEPHEN JOSEPH, E. DEMETRIOU and P. KARIMI-MOFRAD, 2017. Understanding positive self-regard, intrinsic aspirations and authenticity: pathways to well-being Journal of Humanistic Psychology.
  • DENISE KENDRICK, PAULA DHIMAN, BLERINA KELLEZI, CAROL COUPLAND, JESSICA WHITEHEAD, KATE BECKETT, NICOLA CHRISTIE, JUDITH SLENEY, JO BARNES, STEPHEN JOSEPH and RICHARD MORRISS, 2017. Psychological morbidity and return to work after injury: multicentre cohort study British Journal of General Practice. (In Press.)
  • LYNNE MCCORMACK, SLEIMAN ABOU-HAMDAN and STEPHEN JOSEPH, 2017. Career Derailment: Burnout and Bullying at the Executive Level International Coaching Psychology Review. 12(1), 24-36
  • BLACKIE, LAURA. E. R., HITCHCOTT, NICKI. and JOSEPH, STEPHEN., 2017. Looking for Post-Traumatic Growth in Perpetrators of the 1994 Genocide in Rwanda: A Discussion of Theoretical and Ethical Issues Journal of Perpetrator Research.
  • JACKSON-HOLLIS, VICKI, JOSEPH, STEPHEN and BROWNE, KEVIN, 2017. The impact of extrafamilial victimization and poly-victimization on the psychological well-being of English young people. Child abuse & neglect. 67, 349-361
  • LONGO, YLENIO, COYNE, LAIN and JOSEPH, STEPHEN, 2017. The scales of general well-being (SGWB) PERSONALITY AND INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES. 109, 148-159
  • ITAI IVTZAN and STEPHEN JOSEPH, 2017. Client congruence in therapy and its association with mindfulness and the therapeutic relationship International Journal of Psychology and Counselling.
  • STEPHEN JOSEPH, 2017. Mental Health and the Person-Centred Approach. In: STEPHEN JOSEPH, ed., The Handbook of Person-Centred Therapy and Mental Health: Theory, Research, and Practice PCCS. 3-10
  • EMMA TICKLE and STEPHEN JOSEPH, 2017. Using attachment theory in person-centred therapy. In: STEPHEN JOSEPH, ed., The Handbook of Person-Centred Therapy and Mental Health: Theory, Research, and Practice PCCS. 186-195
  • STEPHEN JOSEPH, 2017. Understanding post-traumatic stress from the person-centred perspective. In: STEPHEN JOSEPH, ed., The Handbook of Person-Centred Therapy and Mental Health: Theory, Research, and Practice PCCS.
  • STEPHEN JOSEPH, 2017. Taking stock of the person-centred approach and moving forward. In: STEPHEN JOSEPH, ed., The Handbook of Person-Centred Therapy and Mental Health: Theory, Research, and Practice PCCS. 473-477
  • YLENIO LONGO, IAIN COYNE and STEPHEN JOSEPH, 2017. Development of the short version of the Scales of General Well-Being: The 14-item SGWB Personality and Individual Differences.
  • DAVID MURPHY and STEPHEN JOSEPH, 2016. Person-centred therapy: past, present and future orientation. In: D. J. CAIN, K. KEENAN and S. RUBIN, eds., Humanistic Psychotherapies: handbook of research and practice Second edition. American Psychological Association.
  • M. COOPER and S. JOSEPH, 2016. Psychological foundations for humanistic psychotherapeutic practice. In: D. CAIN, K. KEENAN and S. RUBIN, eds., Humanistic Psychotherapies: Handbook of Research and Practice second edition. American Psychological Association.
  • VICKI JACKSON, KEVIN BROWNE and STEPHEN JOSEPH, 2016. The prevalence of childhood victimization experienced outside of the family: Findings from an English prevalence study Child Abuse and Neglect. 51, 343–357
  • LONGO, Y., COYNE, I., JOSEPH, S. and GUSTAVSSON, P., 2016. Support for a general factor of well-being Personality and Individual Differences. 100, 68-72
  • SIMON KUNZ, STEPHEN JOSEPH, SZILVIA GEYH and CLAUDIO PETER, 2016. Posttraumatic Growth and Adjustment to Spinal Cord Injury: Moderated by Posttraumatic Depreciation? Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, Policy.
  • BLACKIE, LAURA. E. R., ROEPKE, ANN MARIE., HITCHCOTT, NICKI. and JOSEPH, STEPHEN., 2016. Can People Experience Posttraumatic Growth After Committing Violent Acts? Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology. 22(4), 409-412
  • BLACKIE, LAURA. E. R., JAYAWICKREME, ERANDA., HITCHCOTT, NICKI. and JOSEPH, STEPHEN., 2016. Distinguishing Post-Traumatic Growth from Psychological Adjustment among Rwandan Genocide Survivors. In: CARR, DAVID., ARTHUR, JAMES. and KRISTJANSSON, KRISTJAN, eds., Varieties of Virtue Ethics. Palgrave Macmillan. 299-317
  • STEPHEN JOSEPH, 2016. Authentic: How to be yourself and why it matters Piatkus Little, Brown.
  • GORDON SPENCE and STEPHEN JOSEPH, 2016. Coaching for post-traumatic growth: An appropriate response to the devastations of life.. In: TATIANA BACHKIROVA, GORDON SPENCE and DAVID DRAKE, eds., The Sage handbook of coaching Sage. 399-418
  • LYNNE MCCORMACK, ANDREW ORENSTEIN and STEPHEN JOSEPH, 2016. Postmission Altruistic Identity Disruption Questionnaire (PostAID/Q): Reliability and Validity in measuring distress during reintegration following International Humanitarian Aid Work Traumatology. 22, 1-8
  • OLIVIA MERRIMAN and STEPHEN JOSEPH, 2016. Therapeutic Implications of Counselling Psychologists’ Responses to Client Trauma: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis Counselling Psychology Quarterly.
  • STEPHEN JOSEPH, 2016. A review of research into business coaching supervision Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice. 9, 158-168
  • B. KELLEZI, C. COUPLAND, R. MORRISS, K. BECKETT, S. JOSEPH, J. BARNES, J. BARNES and D. KENDRICK, 2016. The impact of psychological factors on recovery from injury: a multicentre cohort study Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology,.
  • STEPHEN JOSEPH, DAVID MURPHY and TOM G. PATTERSON, 2016. Mindfulness and person-centred therapy. In: ITAI IVTZAN and TIM LOMAS, eds., Mindfulness in Positive Psychology Routledge.
  • JOSEPH, S., MURPHY, D. and REGEL, S., 2015. Posttraumatic growth in police officers: Guidelines for facilitating posttraumatic growth. In: S. M. FREEMAN, L. MILLER and A. FREEMAN, eds., Beyond the Badge: A psychological treatment handbook for law enforcement officers. Routledge.
  • DAVID MURPHY and STEPHEN JOSEPH, 2015. Client-centred therapy and posttraumatic growth. In: P. WILKINS, ed., Person-Centred and Experiential Therapies: Contemporary approaches and issues in practice Sage. 119-132
  • C KAUFFMAN, S JOSEPH and A SCOULAR, 2015. Leadership coaching and positive psychology. In: S JOSEPH, ed., Positive Psychology in Practice: Promoting Human Flourishing in Work, Health, Education and everyday Life second edition. Wiley. 377-389
  • A VOSSLER, E STEFFEN and S JOSEPH, 2015. The relationship between counseling psychology and positive psychology. In: S JOSEPH, ed., Positive Psychology in Practice: Promoting Human Flourishing in Work, Health, Education and everyday Life second edition. Wiley.
  • SARAH FLANAGAN, TOM G. PATTERSON, IAN HULME and STEPHEN JOSEPH, 2015. A longitudinal investigation of the relationship between unconditional positive self-regard and posttraumatic growth 14(3), 191-200
  • STEPHEN JOSEPH, 2015. Positive therapy: Building bridges between positive psychology and person-centred psychotherapy 2nd. Routledge.
  • STEPHEN JOSEPH, ed., 2015. Positive psychology in practice: Promoting human flourishing in work, health, education, and everyday life 2nd. Wiley.
  • STEPHEN JOSEPH, 2015. Applied positive psychology 10 years on. In: STEPHEN JOSEPH, ed., Positive psychology in practice: Promoting human flourishing in work, health, education, and everyday life Wiley. 1-6
  • STEPHEN JOSEPH, 2015. The future of positive psychology in practice. In: STEPHEN JOSEPH, ed., Positive Psychology in Practice: Promoting human flourishing in work, health, education, and everyday life 2nd edition. Wiley. 823-828
  • STOCKTON, H., JOSEPH, S., & HUNT, N, 2014. Expressive writing and posttraumatic growth: An internet-based study Traumatology. 20, 75-83
  • MCCORMACK, LYNNE and JOSEPH, STEPHEN, 2014. Psychological Growth in Aging Vietnam Veterans: Redefining Shame and Betrayal JOURNAL OF HUMANISTIC PSYCHOLOGY. 54(3), 336-355
  • STEPHEN JOSEPH and JOHN MALTBY, 2014. Positive functioning inventory: initial validation of a 12-item self-report measure of well-being Psychology of Well-being: Theory, Research and Practice. 4
  • MURPHY, D., & JOSEPH, S, 2014. Understanding posttraumatic stress and facilitating posttraumatic growth. In: P. PEARCE AND L. SOMMERBECK, ed., Person-centred practice at the difficult edge PCCS Books.
  • MURPHY, D., DUGGAN, M. and JOSEPH, S., 2013. Relationship-based social work and its compatibility with the person-centred approach: principled versus instrumental perspectives British Journal of Social Work. 43(4), 703-719
  • MURPHY, D. and JOSEPH, S., eds., 2013. Trauma and the therapeutic relationship: approaches to process and practice Palgrave MacMillan.
  • JOSEPH, S. and MURPHY, D., 2013. Trauma: a unifying concept for social work British Journal of Social Work. 44(5), 1094-1109
  • STEPHEN JOSEPH and DAVID MURPHY, 2013. Person-centered approach, positive psychology and relational helping: Building bridges Journal of Humanistic Psychology. 53, 26-51
  • S FLEMING, M SHEVLIN, J MURPHY and S JOSEPH, 2013. Psychosis within dimensional categorical models of mental illness Psychosis.
  • DAVID MURPHY and STEPHEN JOSEPH, 2013. Facilitating posttraumatic growth through relational depth. In: ROSANNE KNOX, DAVID MURPHY, SUE WIGGINS and MICK COOPER, eds., Relational Depth: New perspectives and developments Palgrave. 90-100
  • ANDREWS, L., JOSEPH, S., TROOP, N., ROOYEN, T.V., DUNN, B.D AND DALGLEISH, T, 2013. The Structure of Avoidance Following Trauma: Development and Validation of the Posttraumatic Avoidance Scale (PAS) Traumatology. 19(2), 126-135
  • MURPHY, D., & JOSEPH, S, 2013. Putting the relationship at the heart of trauma therapy. In: MURPHY, D., & JOSEPH, S, ed., Trauma and the Therapeutic Relationship: Approaches to Process and Practice Palgrave, Macmillan. 1-11
  • JOSEPH, S., & MURPHY, D, 2013. Affective-cognitive processing and posttraumatic growth. In: D. MURPHY AND S. JOSEPH, ed., Trauma and the Therapeutic Relationship: Approaches to Process and Practice
  • MURPHY, D., & JOSEPH, S, 2013. Reflections and directions for future research and practice. In: D. MURPHY AND S. JOSEPH, ed., Trauma and the Therapeutic Relationship: Approaches to Process and Practice Palgrave, Macmillan. 147-154
  • CARRICK, L., & JOSEPH, S, 2013. Working with traumatized clients and clients in crisis. In: The Handbook of person-centred psychotherapy and counselling Palgrave. 359-370
  • PATTERSON, T. G., & JOSEPH, S, 2013. Unconditional positive self-regard. In: M. E. BERRNARD, ed., The strength of self-acceptance: Theory, Practice and Research Springer. 93-106
  • STEPHEN JOSEPH, DAVID MURPHY AND STEPHEN REGEL, 2012. An affective-cognitive processing model of posttraumatic growth Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy. 19, 316-325
  • LYNNE MCCORMACK AND STEPHEN JOSEPH, 2012. Postmission Altruistic Identity Disruption Questionnaire (PostAID/Q): Preliminary development of a measure of responses following adverse humanitarian Aid work Traumatology.
  • JOSEPH, S., MALTBY, J., WOOD, A.M., STOCKTON, H., HUNT, N. and REGEL, S., 2012. The Psychological Well-Being Post-Traumatic Changes Questionnaire (PWB-PTCQ): reliabilty and validity Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. 4(4), 420-428
  • MURPHY, D., ARCHARD, P. J., REGEL, S. and JOSEPH, S., 2012. 'A Survey of Specialised Traumatic Stress Services in the United Kingdom' Journal of Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing. (In Press.)
  • STEPHEN JOSEPH, 2012. What doesn't kill us The Psychologist. 25, 816-819
  • S JOSEPH, S BECKER, H ELWICK and R SILBURN, 2012. Adult Carers Quality of Life Questionnaire (AC-QoL): Development of an evidence based tool Mental Health Review. 17, 57-69
  • L MCCORMACK and S JOSEPH, 2012. Psychological growth in humanitarian Aid personnel: Reintegrating with family and community following exposure to war and genocide Community, work and Family.
  • DAVID MURPHY, DUNCAN CRAMER and STEPHEN JOSEPH, 2012. Mutuality in person-centered therapy: A new agenda for research and practice Person-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapies. 11, 109-123
  • J A UTUZA, S JOSEPH and D MUSS, 2012. Treating traumatic memories in Rwanda with the Rewind Technique: Two-week follow-up after a single group session Traumatology. 18, 75-78
  • Y ZANG, N C HUNT, T COX and S JOSEPH, 2012. Short form of the changes in Outlook Questionnaire: Translation and validation of the Chinese version Health and Quality of Life Outcomes.
  • STOCKTON, H., HUNT, N. and JOSEPH, S., 2011. Cognitive processing, rumination, and posttraumatic growth Journal of Traumatic Stress. 24(1), 85-92
  • KENDRICK D, O'BRIEN C, CHRISTIE N, COUPLAND C, QUINN C, AVIS M, BARKER M, BARNES J, COFFEY F, JOSEPH S, MORRIS A, MORRISS R, ROWLEY E, SLENEY J and TOWNER E, 2011. The Impact Of Injuries Study. Multicentre Study Assessing Physical, Psychological, Social And Occupational Functioning Post Injury - A Protocol. BMC Public Health. 11(1), 963
  • BROCKHOUSE R, MSETFI RM, COHEN K and JOSEPH S, 2011. Vicarious Exposure To Trauma And Growth In Therapists: The Moderating Effects Of Sense Of Coherence, Organizational Support, And Empathy. Journal Of Traumatic Stress. 24(6), 735-42
  • JOSEPH, S, 2011. Religiosity and posttraumatic growth: a note concerning the problems of confounding in their measurement and the inclusion of religiosity within the definition of posttraumatic growth Mental Health, Religion and Culture. 843-845
  • P. ALEX LINLEY AND STEPHEN JOSEPH, 2011. Meaning in life and posttraumatic growth Journal of Loss and Trauma. 16, 150-159
  • P. ALEX LINLEY, AIMEE FELUS, RAPHAEL GILLETT AND STEPHEN JOSEPH, 2011. Emotional expression and growth following adversity: Emotional expression mediates subjective distress and is moderated by emotional intelligence Journal of Loss and Trauma. 16, 387-401
  • ANGELA SMITH, STEPHEN JOSEPH AND ROSHAN DAS NAIR, 2011. An interpretative phenomenological analysis of posttraumatic growth in adults bereaved by suicide Journal of Loss and Trauma. 16, 413-430
  • STEPHEN JOSEPH, 2011. What doesn't kill us: the new psychology of posttraumatic growth Basic Books.
  • BECKER, S., JOSEPH, S., BEAUMONT, M., ELWICK, H., MADZIVA, R. and BECKER, F., 2011. Devon Young Carers Evaluation - Outcomes of Young Carers Support Services for Devon Consortium 2009-2011, Final Report Young Carers International, University of Nottingham.
  • BECKER, S., JOSEPH, S., BEAUMONT, M., ELWICK, H., MADZIVA, R. and BECKER, F., 2011. The Princess Royal Trust for Carers/Comic Relief Young Carers Grants Programme 2008-2011, Final Evaluation Report The Princess Royal Trust for Carers, London.
  • SARAH GIBBONS, DAVID MURPHY AND STEPHEN JOSEPH, 2011. Countertransference and positive growth in social workers Journal of Social work Practice: Psychotherapeutic approaches in Health, Welfare and the Community. 25, 17-30
  • KRETSCH, M., TARQUINIO, C., JOSEPH, S., & MARTIN-KRUMM, C., 2011. Psychologie positive et développement/croissance post-traumatique: changements positives et bénéfices perçus suite aux événements de vie graves. In: KRETSCH, M., TARQUINIO, C., JOSEPH, S., & MARTIN-KRUMM, C. and DAN C. MARTIN-KRUMM ET C. TARQUINIO, eds., Traité de psychologie positive De Boeck.
  • JOSEPH, S. REGEL, S, HARRIS, B & MURPHY, D., 2010. What to expect when being counselled for post-traumatic stress Lutterworth: British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy.
  • ROE, J., JOSEPH, S. and MIDDLETON, H., 2010. Symbolic interaction: a theoretical approach to understanding stigma and recovery Mental Health Review Journal. VOL 15(ISSU 1), 29-36
  • STOCKTON, H and HUNT, N. & JOSEPH, S., 2010. In: International Conference on Traumatic Stress.
  • WOOD, A. M., TAYLOR, P. J. and JOSEPH, S., 2010. Does the CES-D measure a continuum from depression to happiness? Comparing substantive and artifactual models Psychiatry Research. VOL 177(NUMBER 1-2), 120-123
  • JOSEPH, S, 2010. Theories of counselling and Psychotherapy: An introduction to the different approaches Palgrave.
  • WOOD, A. M. and JOSEPH, S., 2010. The absence of positive psychological (eudemonic) well-being as a risk factor for depression: A ten year cohort study Journal of Affective Disorders. 12, 213-217
  • SPLEVINS, K., COHEN, K., BOWLEY, J. and JOSEPH, S., 2010. Theories of Posttraumatic Growth: Cross-Cultural Perspectives. VOL 15(NUMBER 3), 259-277
  • WOOD, A.M. & JOSEPH, S, 2010. Letter to the Editor. An agenda for the next decade of psychotherapy research and practice Psychological Medicine. 40, 1055-1056
  • REGEL, S and & JOSEPH, S, 2010. Post-traumatic stress: The facts Oxford University Press.
  • SPLEVINS KA, COHEN K, JOSEPH S, MURRAY C and BOWLEY J, 2010. Vicarious Posttraumatic Growth Among Interpreters. Qualitative Health Research. 20(12), 1705-16
  • BECKY DAW AND STEPHEN JOSEPH, 2010. Psychological mindedness and therapist attributes Counselling and Psychotherapy Research. 10, 233-236
  • STEPHEN JOSEPH, 2010. Working with psychological trauma Healthcare Counselling and Psychotherapy Journal. 10, 4-5
  • ELWICK, H., JOSEPH, S., BECKER, S. and BECKER, F., 2010. Manual for the Adult Carer Quality of Life Questionnaire (AC-Qol) The Princess Royal Trust for Carers, London. (13 978085382748)
  • JOSEPH, S. and WOOD, A., 2010. Assessment of positive functioning in clinical psychology: theoretical and practical issues Clinical Psychology Review. 30(7), 830-838
  • LYNNE MCCORMACK, MARTIN HAGGAR AND STEPHEN JOSEPH, 2010. Vicarious growth in wives of Vietnam veterans: A phenomenological investigation into decades of 'lived'experience Journal of Humanistic Psychology. 51, 273-290
  • STEPHEN JOSEPH AND LISA BUTLER, 2010. Positive changes following adversity PTSD Research Quarterly. 21, 1-18
  • MURPHY, D., JOSEPH, S., & DURKIN, J, 2010. Growth in relationship: A post-medicalised vision for positive transformation. In: TEHRANI, N, ed., Managing trauma in the workplace Routledge. 267-282
  • JOSEPH, S, BEER, C, CLARKE, D, PICKERSGILL, M, SWIFT, J, TAYLOR, J. and TISCHLER, V., 2009. Qualitative Research in Mental Health: Reflections on Epistemology Mental Health Review Journal. 14(1), 36-42
  • JOSEPH, S, BECKER, F and & BECKER, S, 2009. Manual for Measures of Caring Activities and Outcomes for children and Young People Princess Royal Trust for Carers in association with the University of Nottingham.
  • JOSEPH, S., BECKER, S., BECKER, F. and REGEL, S., 2009. Assessment of caring and its effects in young people: development of the Multidimensional Assessment of Caring Activities Checklist (MACA-YC18) and the Positive and Negative Outcomes of Caring Questionnaire (PANOC-YC20) for young carers. VOL 35(NUMBER 4), 510-520
  • BECKER, F and BECKER, S. AND JOSEPH, S, 2009. Comic Relief and The Princess Royal Trust for Carers Young Carers Grants Programme 2008-11: Interim Evaluation Report
  • DURKIN, J & JOSEPH, S, 2009. Growth following adversity and its relation with subjective well-being and psychological well-being Journal of Loss and Trauma. 14, 228-234
  • WOOD, A.M., JOSEPH, S. and MALTBY, J., 2009. Gratitude predicts psychological well-being above the big five facets Personality and Individual Differences. 46, 443-447
  • JOSEPH, S, 2009. The person-centred approach to coaching. In: COX, E, BACHKIROVA, T and CLUTTERBUCK, D. A, eds., The Complete Handbook of Coaching Sage.
  • JOSEPH, S, DYER, C and & COOLICAN, H, 2009. Statistics in counselling and psychotherapy. Information sheet R13 produced by the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy.
  • JOSEPH, S. and REGEL, S., 2009. Editorial:The diversity of trauma research: contexts, approaches and controversies Counselling and Psychotherapy Research. 9, 1-2
  • MCCORMACK, L, JOSEPH, S and HAGGER, M. S., 2009. Sustaining a positive altruistic identity in humanitarian Aid work: A qualitative case study Traumatology. 15, 109-118
  • JOSEPH, S, 2009. Growth following adversity: Positive psychological perspectives on posttraumatic stress Psychological Topics. 18, 335-344
  • WOOD, A. M., JOSEPH, S., LLOYD, J. and ATKINS, S., 2009. Gratitude influences sleep through the mechanism of pre-sleep cognitions Journal of Psychosomatic Research. 66, 43-48
  • LINLEY, P. A., JOSEPH, S., MALTBY, J., HARRINGTON, S., & WOOD, A., 2009. Positive psychology applications. In: C. R. SNYDER AND S. LOPEZ, ed., Oxford Handbook of Positive Psycholopy Oxford University Press.
  • WOOD, A. M., LINLEY, A. P., MALTBY, J., BALIOUSIS, M. and JOSEPH, S., 2008. The authentic personality: a theoretical and empirical conceptualization and the development of the Authenticity Scale Journal of Counseling Psychology. 55(3), 385-399
  • JOSEPH, S and & BRYANT-JEFFERIES, R, 2008. Person-centred coaching psychology. In: S. PALMER & A. WHYBROW, ed., Handbook of Coaching Psychology: A guide for practitioners Routledge. 211-228
  • JOSEPH, S and LINLEY, P. A., eds., 2008. Trauma, recovery, and growth: positive psychological perspectives on posttraumatic stress Hoeboken: Wiley.
  • WOOD, A. M., MALTBY, J., STEWART, N. and JOSEPH, S., 2008. Conceptualizing gratitude and appreciation as a unitary personality trait Personality and Individual Differences. 44, 619-630
  • JOSEPH, S., 2008. Positive psychology as a framework for practice. In: KELLY, B,, WOOLFSON, L. and BOYLE, J., eds., Frameworks for practice in educational psychology: A textbook for trainees and practitioners JKP. 185-198
  • WOOD, A. M., JOSEPH, S. and MALTBY, J, 2008. Gratitude uniquely predicts satisfaction with life: Incremental validity above the domains and facets of the Big Five Factor Model Personality and Individual Differences. 45, 49-54
  • HAWLEY, C. A and JOSEPH, S., 2008. Predictors of positive growth after traumatic brain injury: a longitudinal study Brain Injury. 22(5), 427-435
  • WOOD, A. M., MALTBY, J., GILLETT, R., LINLEY, P. A. and JOSEPH, S., 2008. role of gratitude in the development of social support, stress, and depression. Two longitudinal studies Journal of Research in Personality. 42, 854-871
  • JOSEPH, S. & LINLEY, P. A, 2008. Positive psychological perspectives on posttraumatic stress: An integrative psychosocial framework. In: S. JOSEPH, & P. A. LINLEY, ed., Trauma, recovery, and growth: Positive psychological perspectives on posttraumatic stress John Wiley & Sons. 3-20
  • WOOD, A. M., MALTBY, J., STEWART, N., LINLEY, P.A. and & JOSEPH, S., 2008. A social-cognitive model of trait and state levels of gratitude Emotion. 8, 281-290
  • JOSEPH, S, 2008. Psychotherapy's inescapable assumptions about human nature Counselling Psychology Review. 23(1), 34-40
  • JOSEPH, S. and PATTERSON, T. G, 2008. The actualising tendency: A meta-theoretical perspective for positive psychology. In: B. E. LEVITT, ed., Refelctions on human potential: bridging the person-centred approach and positive psychology PCCS Books. 9781898059967
  • JOSEPH, S., 2008. Humanistic and integrative therapies: the state of the art Psychiatry. 7, 221-224
  • AYERS, S., JOSEPH, S., MCKENZIE-MCHARG, K., SLADE, P. and WIJMA, K., 2008. Post-traumatic stress following childbirth: Current issues and recommendations for future research . Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 29, 240-250
  • JOSEPH, S. & LINLEY, P. A, 2008. Reflections on theory and practice in trauma, recovery, and growth: A paradigm shift for the field of traumatic stress. In: S. JOSEPH, & P. A. LINLEY, ed., Trauma, recovery, and growth: Positive psychological perspectives on posttraumatic stress John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 339-356
  • LINLEY, PA, JOSEPH, S and GOODFELLOW, B, 2008. Positive Changes In Outlook Following Trauma And Their Relationship To Subsequent Posttraumatic Stress, Depression, And Anxiety Journal Of Social And Clinical Psychology. 27(8), 877-891
  • JOSEPH, S. and LINLEY, P.A., 2008. Psychological assessment of growth following adversity: a review. In: JOSEPH, S. and LINLEY, P.A., eds., Trauma, recovery, and growth: positive psychological perspectives on posttrauamtic stress Wiley.
  • PURDON, C., CRIPPS, E., FAULL, M., JOSEPH, S. and ROWA, K., 2007. Development of a measure of egodystonicity Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy. 21, 198-216
  • TENNANT, R., HILLER, L., FISHWICK, R., PLATT, S., JOSEPH, S., WEICH, S., PARKINSON, J., SECKER, J. and STEAWRT-BROWN, S., 2007. The Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well Being Scale (WEMWBS): Development and UK validation. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes. 5, 63
  • REGEL, S., JOSEPH, S. and DYREGROV, A., 2007. Psychological debriefing in cross-cultural contexts: Ten implications for practice International Journal of Emergency Mental Health. 9, 37-45 (In Press.)
  • DAW, B. and JOSEPH, S, 2007. Qualified therapists' experience of personal therapy Counselling and Psychotherapy Research. 7(4), 227-232
  • PATTERSON, T and JOSEPH, S, 2007. Outcome measurement in person-centred practice. In: WORSLEY, R. and JOSEPH, S., eds., Person-centred practice: Case studies in positive psychology PCCS Books. 200-215
  • WOOD, A. JOSEPH, S., 2007. Grand theories of personality can not be reconciled: A comment on McAdams and Pals American Psychologist. 62, 57-58
  • WORSLEY, R. and JOSEPH, S, 2007. Case studies and positive psychology. In: WORSLEY, R. and JOSEPH, S., eds., Person-centred practice: Case studies in positive psychology PCCS Books. 1-9
  • JOSEPH, S. and DIDUCA, D., 2007. The dimensions of religiosity scale: 20 item self-report measure of religious preoccupation, guidance, conviction, and emotional involvement Mental Health, Religion and Culture. 10, 603-608
  • PATTERSON, T. and JOSEPH, S., 2007. Person-centered personality theory: Support for an organismic theory of psychological development, functioning, and therapeutic change Journal of Humanistic Psychology. 47, 117-139
  • PAYNE, A., & LIEBLING-KALIFANI, H. and & JOSEPH, S., 2007. Client-centred group therapy for survivors of interpersonal trauma: A pilot investigation Counselling and Psychotherapy Research. 7(2), 100-105
  • JOSEPH, S. KNIBBS, J. HOBBS, J., 2007. Trauma, resilience and growth in children and adolescents. In: HOSIN, A., ed., Responses to Traumatized children Houndmills: Palgrave MacMillan. 148-161
  • WORSLEY, R. and JOSEPH, S., eds., 2007. Person-centred practice: Case studies in positive psychology PCCS Books. (In Press.)
  • JOSEPH, S., 2007. Is the CES-D a measure of happiness? Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics. 76, 60
  • TENNANT, R., JOSEPH, S. and STEWART-BROWN, S., 2007. The affectometer 2: a measure of positive mental health in UK populations Quality of Life Research.
  • ELTITI, STACY, WALLACE, DENISE, ZOUGKOU, KONSTANTINA, RUSSO, RICCARDO, JOSEPH, STEPHEN, RASOR, PAUL and FOX, ELAINE, 2007. Development and evaluation of the electromagnetic hypersensitivity questionnaire. Bioelectromagnetics. 28(2), 137-51
  • WOOD, A. M., JOSEPH, S. and & LINLEY, P. A., 2007. Coping style as a psychological resource of grateful people Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology. 26(9), 1076-1093
  • LINLEY, P. A., MALTBY, J., WOOD, A. M., JOSEPH, S., HARRINGTON, S., PETERSON, C., PARK, N. and & SELIGMAN, M. E. P., 2007. Character strengths in the united Kingdom: The VIA Inventory of strengths. Personality and Individual Differences. 43, 341-351
  • JOSEPH, S and WORSLEY, R, 2007. Person-centred practice and positive psychology: Crossing the bridges between disciplines. In: WORSLEY, R. and JOSEPH, S., eds., Person-centred practice: Case studies in positive psychology PCCS Books. 218-223
  • JOSEPH, S, 2007. Agents of social control? The Psychologist. 20(7), 429-431
  • PAYNE, A. JOSEPH, S. TUDWAY, J., 2007. Accommodation and assimilation processes in trauma Journal of Loss and Trauma. 12, 73-89
  • JOSEPH, S. and LINLEY, P.A., 2006. Growth following adversity: theoretical perspectives and implications for clinical practice Clinical Psychology Review. 26(8), 1041-1053
  • JOSEPH, S. and LINLEY, P. A., 2006. Positive Psychology Versus the Medical Model? American Psychologist. VOL 61(NUMB 4), 332
  • LINLEY, P. A., JOSEPH, S., HARRINGTON, S. and WOOD, A. M., 2006. Positive psychology: Past, present, and (possible) future Journal of Positive Psychology. VOL 1(NUMB 1), 3-16
  • JOSEPH, S. and LINLEY, P.A., 2006. Positive therapy: a meta-theoretical approach to positive psychological practice Routledge, London and New York.
  • ANDREWS, L., JOSEPH, S., SHEVLIN, M. and TROOP, N., 2006. Confirmatory factor analysis of posttraumatic stress symptoms in emergency personnel: An examination of seven alternative models Personality and Individual Differences. VOL 41(NUMBER 2), 213-224
  • JOSEPH, S., 2006. Measurement in depression: positive psychology and the statistical bipolarity of depression and happiness Measurement: Interdisciplinary research and perspectives. 4, 156-160
  • JOSEPH, S., LINLEY, P. A. and MALTBY, J., 2006. Positive psychology, religion, and spirituality Mental Health, Religion and Culture. VOL 9(NUMB 3), 209-212
  • JOSEPH, S., 2006. Person-centred coaching psychology: a meta-theoretical perspective International Coaching Psychology Review. 1, 47-54
  • JOSEPH, S. and LINLEY, P.A., 2006. Positive therapy: The interface of positive psychology and psychotherapy. In: DELLE FAVE, A., ed., Dimensions of well-being. Research and intervention Franco Angeli, Rome, Italy.
  • LINLEY, P. A. and JOSEPH, S., 2006. The Positive and Negative Effects of Disaster Work: A Preliminary Investigation Journal of Loss & Trauma. VOL 11(NUMB 3), 229-245
  • JOSEPH, S., LINLEY, P. A., SHEVLIN, M., GOODFELLOW, B. and BUTLER, L. D., 2006. Assessing Positive and Negative Changes in the Aftermath of Adversity: A Short Form of the Changes in Outlook Questionnaire Journal of Loss & Trauma. VOL 11(NUMB 1), 85-100
  • PATTERSON, T. and JOSEPH, S., 2006. The development of a measure of unconditional positive self-regard Psychology and Psychotherapy : Theory, Research and Practice. 79, 557-570
  • JOSEPH, S. and LINLEY, P. A., 2005. Positive adjustment to threatening events: an organismic valuing theory of growth through adversity Review of General Psychology. 9(3), 262-280
  • JOSEPH, S., LINLEY, P.A., ANDREWS, L., HARRIS, G., HOWLE, B., WOODWARD, C. and SHEVLIN, M., 2005. Assessing positive and negative changes in the aftermath of adversity: psychometric evaluation of the changes in outlook questionnaire Psychological Assessment. 17(1), 70-80
  • LINLEY, P. A., JOSEPH, S. and LOUMIDIS, K., 2005. Trauma Work, Sense of Coherence, and Positive and Negative Changes in Therapists Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics. VOL 74(NUMBER 3), 185-188
  • LINLEY,P.A. and JOSEPH,S., 2005. Positive and Negative Changes Following Occupational Death Exposure Journal of Traumatic Stress. 18, 751-758
  • JOSEPH, S. and WORSLEY, R., eds., 2005. Person-centred psychopathology : a positive psychology of mental health PCCS Books, Ross on Wye, UK.
  • LINLEY, P. A. and JOSEPH, S., 2005. The Human Capacity for Growth Through Adversity American Psychologist. VOL 60(NUMB 3), 262-263
  • SHAW, A., JOSEPH, S. and LINLEY, P.A., 2005. Religiosity, spirituality and posttraumatic growth: a systematic review Mental Health, Religion and Culture. 8, 1-11
  • JOSEPH, S. and WILLIAMS, R., 2005. Understanding Posttraumatic Stress: Theory, Reflections, Context and Future Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy. VOL 33(NUMB 4), 423-442
  • JOSEPH, S., 2005. Positive psychological processes following illness In: Annual Division of Health Psychology Conference.
  • JOSEPH, S., DYER, C. and COOLICAN, H., 2005. What does p<.05 mean? Counselling and Psychotherapy Research. VOL 5(NUMB 2), 105-106
  • JOSEPH, S., 2005. Positive psychology and applications to clinical psychology research and training In: Training Conference.
  • JOSEPH, S. and LINLEY, P. A., 2005. Positive psychological approaches to therapy Counselling and Psychotherapy Research. VOL 5(NUMB 1), 5-10
  • JOSEPH, S., GRIMSHAW, G., AMJAD, N. and STANTON, A., 2005. Self-motivation for smoking cessation among teenagers: Preliminary development of a scale for assessment of controlled and autonomous regulation Personality and Individual Differences. VOL 39(NUMBER 5), 895-902
  • JOSEPH, S., 2005. Trauma, recovery and growth through adversity: a client-centred perspective In: Invited keynote talk at International Conference on Violence, Trauma, and Recovery.
  • JOSEPH, S., LINLEY, P. A. and HARRIS, G. J., 2005. Understanding Positive Change Following Trauma and Adversity: Structural Clarification Journal of Loss & Trauma. VOL 10(NUMB 1), 83-96
  • JOSEPH, S., 2005. Positive psychology, psychiatry, and post-traumatic growth In: Meeting of the Royal College of Psychiatrists.
  • JOSEPH, S., 2005. Person-centred coaching psychology The Coaching Psychologist. 1, 3-5
  • JOSEPH, S., 2005. Positive psychology of mental health: a client-centred perspective In: International Positive Psychology Summit.
  • LINLEY, P.A. and JOSEPH, S., eds., 2004. Positive psychology in practice New Jersey, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc..
  • LINLEY, P. A. and JOSEPH, S., 2004. Positive change following trauma and adversity: a Review Journal of Traumatic Stress. 17(1), 11-21
  • JOSEPH, S. and LINLEY, P.A., 2004. Positive therapy: Facilitating well-being In: Annual conference of the British Psychological Society.
  • JOSEPH, S. and LINLEY, P. A., 2004. Adversarial growth and positive change following trauma: Theory, research, and practice RICERCHE DI PSICOLOGIA. VOL 27(NUMB 1), 177-190
  • PETERS, E., JOSEPH, S., DAY, S. and GARETY, P., 2004. Measuring Delusional Ideation: The 21-Item Peters et al. Delusions Inventory (PDI) Schizophrenia Bulletin. VOL 30(NUMB 4), 1005-1022
  • ANDREWS, L., SHEVLIN, M., TROOP, N. and JOSEPH, S., 2004. Multidimensionality of intrusion and avoidance: alternative factor models of the Impact of Event Scale Personality and Individual Differences. VOL 36(NUMBER 2), 431-446
  • WARWICK, R., JOSEPH, S., CORDLE, C. and ASHWORTH, P., 2004. Social Support for Women with Chronic Pelvic Pain: What is Helpful from Whom? Psychology & Health. VOL 19(PART 1), 117-134
  • JOSEPH, S., LINLEY, P. A., HARWOOD, J., LEWIS, C. A. and MCCOLLAM, P., 2004. Rapid assessment of well-being: The Short Depression-Happiness Scale (SDHS) Psychology and Psychotherapy : Theory, Research and Practice. VOL 77(PART 4), 463-478
  • JOSEPH, S. and LINLEY, P.A., 2004. Positive therapy: Where positive psychology and psychotherapy meet In: Paper presented at the second European conference in Positive Psychology.
  • LINLEY, P.A. and JOSEPH, S., 2004. Toward a theoretical foundation for positive psychology in practice. In: Positive psychology in practice John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New Jersey, USA.
  • HUMPHREYS, C. and JOSEPH, S., 2004. Domestic violence and the politics of trauma Women's Studies International Forum. VOL 27(NUMBER 5-6), 559-570
  • BAILHAM, D., SLADE, P. and JOSEPH, S., 2004. Principal components analysis of the Perceptions of Labour and Delivery Scale and revised scoring criteria Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology. VOL 22(NUMB 3), 157-166
  • JOSEPH, STEPHEN and BAILHAM, DAWN, 2004. Traumatic childbirth: what we know and what we can do. RCM midwives : the official journal of the Royal College of Midwives.. 7(6), 258-61
  • MARTIN, J., TOLOSA, I. and JOSEPH, S., 2004. Adversarial growth following cancer and support from health professionals Health Psychology Update. VOL 13(ISSU 4), 11-17
  • LINLEY, P.A. and JOSEPH, S., 2004. Applied positive psychology: A new perspective in professional practice. In: Positive psychology in practice John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New Jersey, USA.
  • JOSEPH, S. and LINLEY, P.A., 2004. Positive therapy: A positive psychological theory of therapeutic practice. In: Positive psychology in practice John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New Jersey, USA.
  • MILLER, E., JOSEPH, S. and TUDWAY, J., 2004. Assessing the component structure of four self-report measures of impulsivity Personality and Individual Differences. VOL 37(NUMBER 2), 349-358
  • SHAW, A. and JOSEPH, S., 2004. Principal components analysis of Maltby and Day's (1998) amended quest religious orientation scale: a replication of the three component structure Personality and Individual Differences. VOL 37(NUMBER 7), 1425-1430
  • JOSEPH, S., 2004. Client-centred therapy, post-traumatic stress disorder and post-traumatic growth: Theoretical perspectives and practical implications Psychology and Psychotherapy : Theory, Research and Practice. VOL 77(PART 1), 101-120
  • FAULL, M., JOSEPH, S., MEADEN, A. and LAWRENCE, T., 2004. Obsessive Beliefs and Their Relation to Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy. VOL 11(PART 3), 158-167
  • BAILHAM, D. and JOSEPH, S., 2003. Post-traumatic stress following childbirth: a review of the emerging literature and directions for research and practice Psychology, Health and Medicine. VOL 8(PART 2), 159-168
  • JOSEPH, S., BROWN, J. and MULHERN, G., 2003. Stress and coping in firefighters: Implications for occupational health psychology 8, 17-20
  • LINLEY, P. A. and JOSEPH, S., 2003. Trauma and personal growth The Psychologist. VOL 16(PART 3), 135
  • LINLEY, P.A. and JOSEPH, S., 2003. Character strengths as a pathway to well-being In: Annual Conference of the British Psychological Society.
  • JOSEPH, S., 2003. Person centred approach to understanding posttraumatic stress Person Centred Practice. 11, 70-75
  • HAYES, N. and JOSEPH, S., 2003. Big 5 correlates of three measures of subjective well-being Personality and Individual Differences. VOL 34(NUMBER 4), 723-727
  • WOODWARD, C. and JOSEPH, S., 2003. Positive change processes and post-traumatic growth in people who have experienced childhood abuse: Understanding vehicles of change Psychology and Psychotherapy : Theory, Research and Practice. VOL 76(PART 3), 267-284
  • LINLEY, P. A. and JOSEPH, S., 2003. Putting it into practice The Psychologist. VOL 16(PART 3), 143
  • LINLEY, P.A., JOSEPH, S. and BONIWELL, I., 2003. Positive Psychology The Psychologist. 16(3), 126
  • LINLEY, P. A., JOSEPH, S., COOPER, R., HARRIS, S. and MEYER, C., 2003. Positive and Negative Changes Following Vicarious Exposure to the September 11 Terrorist Attacks Journal of Traumatic Stress. VOL 16(NUMBER 5), 481-485
  • JOSEPH, S., 2003. Why the client knows best The Psychologist. VOL 16(PART 6), 304-307
  • LINLEY, P.A., FELLS, L., HALLS, E.M., HOLDEN, T., FLEMING, C., KNIGHT, A., MUNN, A. and JOSEPH, S., 2003. Values and well-being: Developmental trajectories and differential relations with subjective and psychological well-being In: Second International Positive Psychology Summit.
  • JOSEPH, S., MANAFI, E., IAKOVAKI, A. M. and COOPER, R., 2003. Personality, smoking motivation, and self-efficacy to quit Personality and Individual Differences. VOL 34(NUMBER 5), 749-758
  • ANDREWS, L., TROOP, N., JOSEPH, S., HISKEY, S. and COYNE, I., 2002. Attempted versus successful avoidance: associations with distress, symptoms, and strategies for mental control Personality and Individual Differences. 33(6), 897-907
  • JOSEPH, S., SMITH, D. and DIDUCA, D., 2002. Religious orientation and its association with personality, schizotypal traits, and manic-depressive experiences Mental Health, Religion and Culture. 5, 73-81
  • LINLEY, P.A. and JOSEPH, S., 2002. Posttraumatic growth: The positive psychology of trauma In: First European Positive Psychology Conference.
  • JOSEPH, S., 2002. Counterpoint: Emperor's new clothes? The Psychologist. VOL 15(PART 5), 242-243
  • LINLEY, P.A. and JOSEPH, S., 2002. Posttraumatic growth Counselling and Psychotherapy Journal. 13, 14-17
  • JOSEPH, S. and LINLEY, P.A., 2002. EMDR: What's the evidence? Counselling and Psychotherapy Journal. 14, 18-19
  • LINLEY, P.A. and JOSEPH, S., 2002. Posttraumatic growth: The apotheosis of positive psychology In: First International Positive Pscyhology Summit.
  • BROWN, J., MULHERN, G. and JOSEPH, S., 2002. Incident-Related Stressors, Locus of Control, Coping, and Psychological Distress Among Firefighters in Northern Ireland Journal of Traumatic Stress. VOL 15(NUMBER 2), 161-168
  • WYER, S., EARL, L., JOSEPH, S., HARRISON, J., GILES, M. and JOHNSTON, M., 2001. How to increase attendance at cardiac rehabilitation: an intervention study using the theory of planned behaviour In: Proceedings of the British Pscyhological Society. 47
  • WYER, S. J., EARL, L., JOSEPH, S. and HARRISON, J., 2001. Deciding whether to attend a cardiac rehabilitation programme: an interpretative phenomenological analysis Coronary Health Care. VOL 5(PART 4), 178-188
  • WYER, S., JOSEPH, S., EARL, L. and HARRISON, J., 2001. Deciding whether to attend a cardiac rehabilitation programme: an interpretative phenomenological analysis In: Proceedings of the British Psychological Society. 102
  • JOSEPH, S., 2001. Psychopathology and therapeutic approaches : an introduction Palgrave Macmillan Ltd, Basingstoke, UK.
  • JOSEPH, S., 2001. Posttraumatic growth: A brief introduction In: "Moving Through Trauma" Conference.
  • WYER, S. J., EARLL, L., JOSEPH, S., HARRISON, J., GILES, M. and JOHNSTON, M., 2001. Increasing attendance at a cardiac rehabilitation programme: an intervention study using the Theory of Planned Behaviour Coronary Health Care. VOL 5(PART 3), 154-159
  • WYER, S., JOSEPH, S. and EARL, L., 2001. Predicting attendance at cardiac rehabilitation: a review and recommendations Coronary Health Care. VOL 5(PART 4), 171-177
  • MYNARD, H. and JOSEPH, S., 2000. Development of the Multidimensional Peer-Victimization Scale Aggressive Behavior. VOL 26(PART 2), 169-178
  • JOSEPH, S., 2000. Psychometric Evaluation of Horowitz's Impact of Event Scale: A Review Journal of Traumatic Stress. VOL 13(PART 1), 101-114
  • DALGLEISH, T., JOSEPH, S. and YULE, W., 2000. The Herald of Free Enterprise Disaster: Lessons From the First 6 Years Behaviour Modification. VOL 24(PART 5), 673-699
  • MYNARD, H., JOSEPH, S. and ALEXANDER, J., 2000. Peer-victimisation and posttraumatic stress in adolescents Personality and Individual Differences. VOL 29(NUMBER 5), 815-821
  • KOLLIAKOU, A. and JOSEPH, S., 2000. Further evidence that tobacco smoking correlates with schizotypal and borderline personality traits Personality and Individual Differences. VOL 29(NUMBER 1), 191-194
  • JOSEPH, S., MYNARD, H. and MAYALL, M., 2000. Life-Events and Post-traumatic Stress in a Sample of English Adolescents Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology. VOL 10(PART 6), 475-482
  • SURGENOR, T. and JOSEPH, S., 2000. Attitudes towards emotional expression, relational competence and psychological distress British Journal of Medical Psychology. VOL 73(PART 1), 139-142
  • JOSEPH, S., 2000. Religiosity and social desirability: a response to Eysenck (1999) Mental Health, Religion and Culture. 3, 37-38
  • LAGHAI, A. and JOSEPH, S., 2000. Attitudes towards emotional expression: Factor structure, convergent validity and associations with personality British Journal of Medical Psychology. VOL 73(PART 3), 381-384
  • CHAN, R. and JOSEPH, S., 2000. Dimensions of personality, domains of aspiration, and subjective well-being Personality and Individual Differences. VOL 28(NUMBER 2), 347-354

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