Department of
Architecture and Built Environment

Chris Bennett

Material Language

Studio 3 is interested in an architecture that is inseparably connected to place through its materiality & history, and how these ideas might inform an approach to architectural design 

This thesis suggests that architecture can maintains the authenticity of place, whilst simultaneously revealing the world to the people, and the people to themselves. Yet as the world changes place identity is required to be transformative, revealing and perhaps even radical - evolving and propelling alongside people and culture. 

The design aims to abstract the existing identity of Stromness, Orkney while developing a new material language. Combining a space for visitors and the community, the Stromness pierheads requires a propelling architecture - a careful balance of historic context and identity while evolving the architecture to be more performative and sustainable. 

Traditional stone with slobbered lime is combined with perforated timber and exposed concrete lintels to evolve the material language. Community squares provide spaces to dwell at the pierheads, while the familiar crow stepped gable ends maintain the identity of the place and the people. 


01_Stromness Pierheads



Chris Bennett's work

01_Stromness Pierheads

01_Stromness Pierheads
Jun 09, 2022

02_Stromness Elevation

02_Stromness Elevation
Jun 09, 2022

05_Community Hall

05_Community Hall
Jun 09, 2022

06_Detail Section

06_Detail Section
Jun 09, 2022





Student Biography

After gaining his Part 1 undergraduate degree, Chris returned to the University of Nottingham to complete his Part 2. He has a strong belief that architecture should respond its context across scales, reflecting the history, culture and materiality of the site whilst looking forward towards a more sustainable future.  






Department of Architecture and Built Environment

The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0) 115 95 14184