Department of
Architecture and Built Environment

Emma Stone

Modular co-housing for performers

Located in Digbeth, Birmingham, the project sees the design of a genotype, modular co-housing scheme suitable and shaped around the direct and indirect needs of performers, - defined as those working in classical music, theatre, and dance. Composed of a system of self-supporting modular housing units, the scheme will be replicable on brownfield sites across the UK, creating an interconnected network of performance communities. Working within the unit ethos, the project therefore seeks to regenerate ‘forgotten’ places across the UK, as well as Digbeth.

Accommodating for different permanencies, housing is split into two dwelling types - Allegro living for touring performers- Fermata living for those dwelling permanently. Fermata living units all have access to practice pods whereas micro flats have adaptable furniture adjustable for practice. At the centre of each block is the community stack - a reglit clad beacon structure containing each blocks shared practice and communal facilities. Massing wraps around the site edges, to form a sheltered communal garden at the heart of the scheme.


Emma Stone's work


Jun 10, 2022


Jun 10, 2022

4_View Across the Lawn

4_View Across the Lawn
Jun 10, 2022

5_Design for Practice

5_Design for Practice
Jun 10, 2022


Jun 10, 2022

Student Biography

A hardworking and driven student with a passion for urbanism, master planning, creative reuse and housing. Throughout my degree at the University of Nottingham I have been increasingly interested in the role of architectures in shaping cities - physically and socially as well as how a city and its context can shape architecture. Outside of Architecture and balancing my time with the part 1 course, I have been involved in multiple band rehearsals, concerts and contests – I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here, even if it has been a little stressful at times.






Department of Architecture and Built Environment

The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0) 115 95 14184