Saffa Riffat is the head of the Buildings, Energy and Environment Research Group.
Professor Saffa RIFFAT
BSc, MSc, DPhil, DSc (Oxford), EurASc , CEng, FIMechE, FCIBSE, FInstE
Professor Riffat holds the posts of Chair of Sustainable Energy and Head of Architecture, Climate and Environment Research Group at the University of Nottingham, UK. He is is also the President of the World Society of Sustainable Energy (WSSET) and Fellow of the European Academy of Sciences. Professor Riffat has a wide range of experience of renewable energy/sustainable technologies, eco-cities/sustainable buildings, heat pumps/ cooling systems, energy storage and heat powered power cycles. He has obtained grants in excess of £120 million from the EPSRC, EU and industry and published over 700 refereed papers. According to the 2011 analysis, Professor Riffat is named as the author of one of the top 1% most highly cited papers in his field worldwide. Professor Riffat has been awarded the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc) from the University of Oxford for his research contribution in the field of heat pumps and ventilation technology. He is named as the inventor on 30 International Patents.
Professor Riffat is one of the world's leading experts in sustainable technologies/eco-buildings. He has established several major sustainable buildings including the Millennium Eco-House, the Marmont Centre for Renewable Energy, the Environment Centre for Education and Creative Energy Homes, as well as played an important role in the development of the world largest Sustainable Energy Campus for Higher Education, 'The Jubilee Campus'. Professor Riffat has been involved in teaching and research on low carbon buildings in China and other part of Asia.
Professor Riffat's Chair has been supported by industry. He is the Editor-in-Chief for the International Journal of Low Carbon Technologies and Renewable Bioresources Journal International Journal of Future Cities and Environment and Founder/previous Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Sustainable Cities and Society. He is also a member of the Editorial Board of several journals including the Journal of Applied Thermal Engineering, journal of Green Energy, Journal of Ambient Energy, Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Journal of the Energy Institute and Journal in Architectural Engineering and Design Management.
Professor Riffat has been awarded Honorary/Distinguished Professorships by 11 universities. He is a member of the Advisory Eco-City/China Group to the previous Deputy Prime Minister, John Prescott, MP. He has also established the Centre for Sustainable Energy Technologies, UNNC for research and training of Chinese students in renewable/sustainable energy. He has visited over 100 academic institutions to sign MoU, give lectures, carry out collaborative projects and promote renewable/sustainable energy. Professor Riffat has established several joint courses with institutions in China, Chile, Korea, Japan and Sudan.
Professor Riffat is a Fellow to the World Innovation Foundation and a Fellow of the Korea Institute of Ecological Architecture and Environment. He is an advisory Member of the National Energy Foundation. Professor Riffat has been awarded the UK Engineering and Innovation Award 2009/10 for his work on low/zero carbon homes. He has also been awarded the Community Award for Exceptional Individual, the Euro Solar Award, Energy Globe Award, the Rushlight Awards, the Engineer and Technology Innovation Awards and the CIBSE Baker Silver Medal. Professor Riffat has strong links with industry and has been a member of the Advisory Boards of several companies. Professor Riffat has organised/co-organised major international conferences such as the Sustainable Energy Technologies (SET2002-2018). He also acted as the chairman of numerous conferences including SET and the Energy Conversion & Application Conference. He has given numerous keynote papers and chaired sessions at International Conferences including Heat Powered Cycles Conference, CIBSE Conferences, Sustainable Construction Forums, COGEN Conference and World Renewable Energy Congresses
Expertise Summary
Renewable Energy, Low Carbon Buildings, HVAC systems, energy storage, Heat Pumps
Research Summary
The current research covers a wide range of projects: energy storage, thermochemical systems, sustainable water harvesting, greenhouses, phase change materials, building retrofit, low carbon… read more
Current Research
The current research covers a wide range of projects: energy storage, thermochemical systems, sustainable water harvesting, greenhouses, phase change materials, building retrofit, low carbon buildings. The projects are funded by the EPSRC, EU, Innovate UK, Roytal Sociiety and industry.
Future Research
I welcome enquiries from potential PhD candidates from Home, EU and international countries who are interested in the following research areas: Eco-buildings, cooling/heating, refrigeration, heat recovery, renewable energy systems, sustainable technology and building materials, eucalyptus fibres and compound parabolic concentrator (CPC)