Department of
Chemical and Environmental Engineering

Image of Fatih Gulec

Fatih Gulec

Assistant Professor in Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering



Dr Fatih Gulec is an Assistant Professor in the School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering at the University of Nottingham with expertise in advanced materials and thermochemical processes focus on industrial decarbonisation and CO2 capture.

Dr Gulec received his BEng in Chemical Engineering (First class) from Gazi University in 2012 and his MEng degree in Chemical Engineering (Distinction) from Ankara University in 2015. He also received his PhD in Chemical Engineering from the University of Nottingham (UK) in 2019, where he developed a novel process; "Integration of chemical looping combustion for the fluid catalytic cracking unit as a novel CO2 capture technology for refineries". Following his PhD, Dr Gulec has held research fellow positions at Cranfield University (2019-2020) and the University of Nottingham (2020-2022) with a wide range of projects based on "decarbonisation of energy and industrial applications" i.e. advanced combustion, CO2 capture and negative emission, integrated biomass processes technologies, thermochemical energy storage.

Dr Gulec is a part of the Low Carbon Energy and Resources Technologies Research Group and an associate member of the Advanced Materials Research Group.

Expertise Summary

Dr Gulec has wide range of expertise in developing "Decarbonisation Technologies" for energy and industrial processes. His research is fundamental and applied engineering based on i) developing porous materials and applications based on synthesis & characterisation of advanced nanocomposites and their applications in energy storage, chemical/calcium looping combustion, CO2 capture, catalytic reactions and ii) Process Integration/Intensification based on waste/biomass-to-energy via thermal conversions.

Teaching Summary

Short Lecture, Jan'20 - Energy and Power Theme, Cranfield University, Cranfield, MK43 0AL, UK

  • "Decarbonisation Case Study - Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS)" a group of 40 MSc students.

Demonstrator, Sep '17 - Dec'19 - Chemical Engineering, University of Nottingham, UK

  • "Orifice Plate" and "Venturi Meter" experiments in the Fluid Mechanics Laboratory for a group of 5 to 10 students.
  • "Adiabatic Humidification" and "Wet-Solid Drying" experiments in Unit Operations Laboratory for a group of 10 students.

Research and Teaching Assistant, Jan '14 - Mar '16 - Chemical Engineering, Ankara University, Turkey

  • Assisted the following undergraduate Chemical Engineering courses; Introduction to AutoCAD, Fluid Mechanics, Separation Processes, and following laboratories; Instrumental Analysis (GC-MS) and Chemical Engineering Laboratory (Solid-Liquid Extraction Process, Heat Transfer Operations).

Research Summary

Dr Gulec has been working and leading a wide range of projects based on developing decarbonisation technologies for energy and industrial applications.

  • Project - "Developing next-generation Metal hydride-based Thermal Energy Stores - Decarbonising heat in buildings". This project will develop a highly efficient metal hydride-based thermal energy store for decarbonising heat in residential and industrial buildings while addressing the intermittency problem of renewable sources. Funded by C-DICE-UKRI.
  • Project - "Digital manufacturing of metal oxide nanocomposites via interpretable machine learning models". This project aims to develop novel self-optimised algorithms through interpretable machine learning-based models to accelerate the digital manufacturing of novel metal oxide nanocomposites through sustainable, environmentally friendly, and cost-effective continuous hydrothermal synthesis procedures. Funded by Connected Everything - EPSRC.
  • Project - "Developing next-generation advanced biomass/biochar combustion process - A novel pathway to CO2 negative energy production". This project will develop a competitive process as a viable route for the thermochemical conversion of biomass/biochar to energy, which enables inherent CO2 capture and achieves negative CO2 emissions at the lowest cost and energy penalty while producing energy. Funded by UoN-FPVC.

Dr Gulec welcome enquiries from potential PhD candidates from Home, EU and international countries who are interested in developing next-generation decarbonisation technologies based on following research areas:

  • Negative emission via biomass combustion with CO2 capture (BECCS)
  • Thermochemical energy storage via metal hydrides and metal oxides
  • Hydrogen production via thermochemical routes
  • CO2 capture and storage (primarily advanced combustion - chemical and calcium looping)
  • Integrated biomass processes technologies and clean energy conversion
  • AI applications in chemical processes

Other project ideas will be considered. Please do not hesitate to e-mail me ( for further discussion.

Past Research

Dr Gulec has held research fellow positions at Cranfield University (2019-2020) and the University of Nottingham (2020-2022) with a wide range of projects based on "decarbonisation of energy and industrial applications" i.e. advanced combustion, CO2 capture and negative emission, integrated biomass processes technologies, thermochemical energy storage.

Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering

The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0) 115 95 14081