The Letters Page: Volume 3 Launch

Trent Building (Daytime Event) and Cobden Chambers (Evening Event)
Wednesday 17th October 2018 (12:30-20:30)
The Letters Page Vol. 3 print copy

Join us to celebrate the launch of The Letters Page, Vol.3, the School of English’s very own literary journal in letters, and learn more about this exciting project. 

The Letters Page is edited by Professor Jon McGregor, and this year features work by Max Porter, Claire-Louise Bennett, Luke Kennard and more.

There will be two events running, one daytime event located inside the Trent Building, and one evening event hosted at TH!NK in NG @ Cobden Chambers.

The evening event will feature a special reading from two of our contributors Max Porter and Kate Feld, as well as the chance to purchase signed copies on the night for the special event-only price of £10. TEN POUNDS!

Event One (Daytime):
Location: Trent Building Foyer, University Park Campus
Date: Wednesday 17th October 2018 (12:30-15:30)

Event Two (Evening):
Location: TH!NK, Cobden Chambers, Pelham Street, Nottingham NG1 2ED 
Date: Wednesday 17th October 2018 (19:00-20:30)

More information can be found at:


Please RSVP your interest for the daytime event by emailing Leah Wilkins at

Interest in the evening event can be shown by RSVPing at the following events page:

or emailing:

School of English

Trent Building
The University of Nottingham
University Park, Nottingham NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 5900