
Finance General Contacts

Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Emergency Contacts

Thank you for contacting the University of Nottingham finance department.  The Finance office will be working remotely until further notice as a result of government guidance on COVID19. 


  • Purchasing Process During COVID-19

    Where costs and services were incurred prior to 20 March 2020, the payments services process (for invoices) and expenses processes will be operating as normal.

    • For services invoiced prior to 20 March w
    ithout a valid PO on Agresso, please raise and approve a PO in the system. The payment services team will then process as normal.  
  • Where this is not possible (system access / lack of available approvers), please complete a non-standard payment request form and submit the approved form to


All new spend should follow the process as set out below.

Spend Type

What To Do

Email To:

Ongoing Estates, Catering and Hospitality service contracts:


Examples: Utilities, Rent, waste disposal, Sodexo

Complete a non-standard payment request form with approval from an Estates Director.


Send invoice and non-standard payment request form to Payment Services

IS Contracts:


Examples: Infosys, Xerox


Complete a non-standard payment request form with approval from an IS Director.


Send invoice and non-standard payment request form to Payment Services

Approved Estates business cases (that has not been paused)

Estates team only.


Follow the normal process: raise a requisition on Agresso with normal approvals – confirm that necessary approvers are available before placing the requisition


Food and accommodation provision for students

Nicola Penn’s team only.


Follow the normal process and payment methods.


Research Subcontractor invoices

Send to relevant R&I Project Coordinator for approval.


Project Coordinator completes non-standard request payment. Sends invoice and non-standard payment form to Payment Services

Nottingham Research Fellows

All queries to Catherine Jew


Recruitment through Unitemps / Tempzone / agency / fixed term contracts (new and extensions)













Casual Recruitment through HR


Permanent Recruitment

All recruitment requests will be reviewed and approved by the Emergency Finance Group. This includes all research recruitment and contract extension requests.


Please send an email describing the recruitment / contract extension need and rational, including approval from your relevant FPVC or UEB member, to the Emergency Finance Group inbox.


The request will be considered at the next sitting of the Emergency Finance Group. Next steps to recruit can only be taken upon receipt of approval from this group. 


Please raise an ATF, which must be approved by a member of UEB (or nominee)


For Permanent staff, please raise ATF in Vacancy Manager in line with the usual process.






Strategic Investment

Approval through PRC and other UEB sub-committees in line with normal University process and delegated authorities.


All other spend requests (including non-pay research expenditure)

Consider whether expenditure is essential – see Essential expenditure guidelines below.


Complete the Critical Purchase requisition form and obtain approval for planned expenditure:


For expenditure up to £500:

Obtain approval from your relevant Head of School, Director of Operations or Directors of Professional Services by email


Head of School/Directors of Professional Services to forward the spend request and approval to Critical Purchasing Team



For expenditure between £500 and £1,000:

Obtain approval from your relevant Head of School, Director of Operations or Directors of Professional Services by email.


Obtain approval from your relevant Faculty Pro Vice-Chancellors, or relevant UEB budget holder by email.


FPVC or UEB Member to forward the spend request and approval to Critical Purchasing Team



For expenditure above £1,000:

Complete spend requisition form, including justification for this being critical spend 


Obtain approval from your relevant Head of School, Director of Operations or Directors of Professional Services by email.


Obtain approval from your FPVC or UEB member on email and append this to the requisition 


Send the requisition and FPVC/ UEB member approval to the Emergency Finance Group by email.  


The request will be considered at the next sitting of the Emergency Finance Group and next steps to purchase can only be taken i.e. requisition or purchase card order upon receipt of approval from this group. 


All approved items will be forwarded to Critical Purchasing Team (or Procurement team – as relevant) for processing by the administrators supporting EFG.


The originator will be provided with feedback on the approval outcome by the administrators supporting EFG.







BB-FM-CriticalPurch (








BB-FM-CriticalPurch (














Loan of laptops

Staff should complete the laptop request form to request the loan of a University laptop for home working.


There are only a limited number of laptops, so these can only be offered to staff who:


 - Have roles that are critical to the continued operations of the University

 - Do not have a work laptop

 - Do not have a personal device at home that they can use


Requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and will be subject to approval by the Head of Faculty/Department and Information Services.


Complete the laptop request form.

Home internet Access


There are some staff that hold critical roles but do not have internet access at home to enable them to continue working during the current isolation period. A process has therefore been set up to provide financial support so staff can purchase an internet service and can claim the incurred charges through expenses.


If you have staff in your teams that are vital to the current operations of the University and do not currently have internet access at home, please ask them to complete the internet service request form.


After we receive submissions:


  • We will ask you to validate requests from your area. You will be required to confirm that the staff hold critical roles and that it is essential that they continue working from home
  • After the Chief Digital Officer has reviewed and approved requests, staff will need to arrange installation/procurement of the internet service themselves and claim back charges through the standard expenses process


Staff should look at short-term contracts for their internet service, such as monthly contracts, and we will reimburse them for the setup and monthly charges they incur for working at home. Please note that this only applies to requests that have been approved through the process above.


Complete the internet service request form


Essential expenditure guidelines 

Reviews, approvals or refusals for applications for essential expenditure will be judged against the following guidelines: 


  • no further bookings should be made for travel, accommodation and conferences for academic years 2019/20 and 2020/21; and refunds should be requested where travel or accommodation has been booked but cannot be used due to national and international travel restrictions 


  • pause purchases of laboratory consumables, equipment and sundries other than for essential maintenance, critical business delivery, and research activities that have been identified as critical by the team led by Director of Research and Innovation, Pip Peakman 


  • pause any planned recruitment, although exceptions to appointments will be considered by the Emergency Finance Governance Group for critical areas.   


  • review temporary, consultant and contractor appointments to ensure they are focused on genuinely business-critical activity 


  • pause any expenditure on University purchase cards other than those routed through the spending review process below. University credit cards should not be used and no personal expenses should be incurred in the immediate future. As such, repayment of new card expenditure cannot be guaranteed from Monday 30 March.  


  • Any requests for equipment to facilitate home working from a Health & Safety perspective should be reviewed against the Additional Equipment Required for Home Working policy (see below)and confirmed by the line manager before referring to the critical purchasing team (See All Other Spend Requests section in guidance above).



Additional equipment required for home working – Health and Safety

In exceptional circumstances, there may be a requirement for the University to provide additional equipment (non IT) to employees who are working home working from a health and safety perspective.  Where this is the case, the following procedure must be adopted:

  1. The Employee should initially consult the following Health and Safety website which contains several resources to advise on safe working in the home environment and useful advice on maintaining healthy working conditions:
  2. If the need for additional equipment is identified, the employee should perform a risk assessment. A template for this for is included in the link above.  Employees should then consult with their line manager and seek advice from their local DSE assessor; a list of which is also contained within the link. In addition, the Health and Safety team can be consulted for advice on appropriate equipment and the sourcing thereof.
  3. Any subsequent purchase of additional equipment must be approved by the relevant Head of School or Department, in line with the rules set out in the Purchasing Process During COVID-19 Shutdown, and forwarded to the Critical Purchasing Team.
  4. Any purchased equipment will remain the property of the University and must be returned to the University following completion of usage.






General Finance enquiries

email list: Please see our contacts page