Research and Innovation

RKE Development


The Research & KE Development team supports academics to secure funding to deliver their research, with a focus on complex and strategic bids.  

We do this by identifying, communicating and facilitating opportunities, building a pipeline of research ideas, and providing specialist knowledge, expertise and intelligence on core funders across the three key areas of EU/International, UKRI/Charities, and Place.

Research & Development Funding


UKRI / Charitable Funding 

  • Funding management: Centrally managing/overseeing large major and strategic funding opportunities from UKRI and major charitable funders, defined as those that are high value, require some kind of internal demand management, or those that require a cross-disciplinary, cross-faculty consortium approach. 
  • Bid support: Provision of support throughout the application process, including facilitating workshops to bring academics together, organising sift panels and internal review, practice interviews etc.
  • Funder engagement: Coordination of key strategic relationships with UKRI/its Research Councils and major charitable funders.


  • Strategic planning: Reviewing place-based strategies, policies and plans and understanding national, regional and local priorities relating to place to advise and inform colleagues across the university.
  • External stakeholder liaison: Liaising with key external place stakeholders (e.g. Midlands Engine, D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership, East Midlands Development Company, East Midlands Freeport, business representative organisations and the local authorities) to positively influence their thinking and promote the university and its activity.
  • Internal stakeholder liaision: Faculty Engaging across all faculties to understand their place priorities and develop a pipeline of future activity that requires external funding. Also liaison with colleagues who are also focused on KE/Place, e.g. the KE Hub, to ensure we avoid duplication and present a coherent message to faculties.
  • Scoping: Identifying external place-based funding opportunities, raising awareness of them across the university and then coordinating our response to them.
  • Application support: Supporting the development of applications to external place-based funding programmes and the preparation of Green Book style business cases for projects.

Research and Innovation

Get in touch:

Jubilee Conference Centre
Jubilee Campus
Triumph Road
Nottingham, NG8 1DH