This study is a randomised controlled trial of a computer-based multimedia intervention called ‘HOP-ON’ which is designed to show parents how they can help their premature infants learn new motor skills.
To enable us to evaluate the HOP-ON programme, parents will be randomised into either an intervention group or a control group.
Parents in the intervention group will receive the HOP-ON programme whereas parents in the control group will receive a programme called ‘SMILES’. SMILES teaches parents how to interact with their infants in general but does not include any specific information about motor skills.
Overall, 180 premature infants (born at less than 32 weeks gestation) and their parents will participate in the study.
HOP-ON is available as a CD-ROM or DVD and information booklet and is provided in two volumes.
HOP-ON shows parents:
Parents will receive:
We will arrange a visit to the parents home to:
c/o Cris GlazebrookDivision of PsychiatryUniversity of NottinghamMedical School Nottingham, NG7 2UH
telephone: +44 (0)115 823 0420 email: Contact HOP-ON