PDPR Review Update


 As you are aware, a mini review of PDPR was undertaken earlier this year.  As part of the review, feedback from staff and reviewers has been collated through an online survey and focus groups.  This has enabled us to get extensive quantitative and qualitative data.

The review has now concluded and the results are available on Workspace at: https://workspace.nottingham.ac.uk/display/hr/University+Staff+Surveys

As you will see from the report, it was strongly recommended that the structure of the PDPR web site be modified to help staff find the required information and prepare for their PDPR meetings.  To be clear, there is no change to the substance of PDPR or the form – the web site change is a cosmetic/layout redesign which was strongly recommended in the review.

The web site is now live at: http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/hr/guidesandsupport/performanceatwork/index.aspx

We will continue to refine the site over the coming months and will be pulling together a programme of work to underpin the recommendations over the next couple of weeks.

In the meantime, if you have any comments on the restructured web site, please use the feedback button provided on the web site or if you have any specific queries regarding PDPR, please contact your Head of School/Department or your HR Adviser.


Jaspal Kaur
Director of Human Resources

Posted on Friday 21st March 2014