As part of the review of our recruitment systems and processes, I would like to advise you of the following amendments to the recruitment expenses policy and process. These changes will not only streamline current practice, but also ensure that we make maximum use of the University’s Orchard Hotel Facility. These changes will be implemented from 1 April 2014.
- Changes to the interview expenses claim form for all eligible staff at Level 3 and above:
All candidates at Level 3 and above will now be sent an interview expenses claim form. The form explains the eligibility criteria and requires candidates to complete additional fields on the form to confirm their eligibility. This form will be returned to the Recruitment team who will confirm eligibility and process the expense to the project code identified on the ATF. It is, therefore, critical that any individual who does not attend an interview is identified as such within the Vacancy Manager system to ensure payment does not occur in error.
- Recruitment campaigns with limited budgets:
Where a recruiting manager has identified that they would be unable to offer interview expenses due to limited research budgets, they must inform HR as part of the ATF process. In these cases, the candidate will not be sent an expenses claim form
- Booking accommodation where appropriate:
All candidates (including Chair candidates) will be expected to book their own accommodation. The Orchard Hotel should be used at all times, where rooms are available. The Orchard Hotel have provided a special booking code which candidates will receive with their expenses claim form. Rates are £75 per night B&B or £95 including dinner (except during graduation). The full cost of staying at the Orchard Hotel will be reimbursed regardless of charge if rooms are available during graduation.
- Changes to subsistence rates:
Where the Orchard Hotel is full, the University will offer a subsistence rate of £80 receipted to cover overnight accommodation. Where an individual is staying away from home for over 10 hours a day, subsistence of up to £25 receipted may be claimed. If the Orchard Hotel is used (including the dinner and B&B code), an overnight subsistence of £5 may be claimed to cover discretionary cost such as telephone calls, refreshments etc. If the candidate chooses to stay with friends or relatives rather than a hotel, a subsistence rate of up to £15 receipted may be claimed.
Further information is available on Workspace at:
However, if you should have any queries, please contact the HR Recruitment Team.
Jaspal Kaur
Director of Human Resources
Posted on Friday 28th March 2014