Nottingham Breast Cancer Research Centre's Booble Gallery

Thank you so much to everybody who has placed a bid on a Booble - we've been blown away by your generosity and enthusiasm! We will be in touch over the next few days to let you know if you have the highest bid.

We're incredibly grateful to all of our artists, celebrities and businesses who have helped make this campaign possible.


By Bella Ramsey, Actress - Game of Thrones, His Dark Materials 

Bella Ramsey, 150

Current highest bid: £150

'Merry Christmas'

By Matt Lucas, Comedian and The Great British Bake Off Presenter

Matt Lucas, Merry Christmas

Current highest bid: £125

'Festive Robin with Boobies and Great Tits'

By Tim Pollard, Nottingham's Robin Hood

Tim Pollard - Robin Hood with Boobies and Great Tits

Current highest bid: £110



'Second Glance'

By Helen Williams 

Helen Williams, Second Glance

Current highest bid: £25

'Hoppy Christmas'

By Liv Auckland, Castle Rock Brewery

Castle Rock Brew

Current highest bid: £80

'Celebrating Wonderful Women' 

By Mo Clark

Mo Clark, Celebrating Wonderful Women

Current highest bid: £100



'Christmas lights'

By Anne Davies, BBC East Midlands Today Presenter

Christmas lights, by Anne Davies

Current highest bid: £25

'Happy Xmas'

By Anne Davies, BBC East Midlands Today Presenter

Happy Xmas, by Anne Davies

Current highest bid: £25

'Can you swing this ball?'

By Jonathan Agnew, BBC cricket correspondent

Can you swing this ball?, by Jonathan Agnew

Current highest bid: £60



'Snow Queen'

By Sue Greenaway

Snow Queen

Current highest bid: £30


By Carol Pairaudeau 


Current highest bid: £60

'It's the Tits'

By Doughnotts

It's the Tits

Current highest bid: £46



'Nipples in Black Lace'

By Carole Ellis

Nipples in black lace

Current highest bid: £25

'Traditional bauble'

By Carole Ellis


Current highest bid: £26


By Carol Pairaudeau


Current highest bid: £25



'University Radio


University Radio Nottingham

Current highest bid: £25

'Rooks and Stars'

By Suzie MacKenzie

Susie Mackenzie, Rooks and Stars

Current highest bid: £40

'The Burger Booble'

By Annie, Annie's Burger Shack

The Burger Booble

Current highest bid: £40



'The Miglo Booble' 

By Nicola Rae

Nicola Rae - Miglo Booble

Current highest bid: £40

'The Bosom Buddy Booble'

By Claire Tomlinson

Bosom Buddy

Current highest bid: £25

'200 Degrees Booble'

By 200 Degrees

200 Degrees

Current highest bid: £60



'Nottingham New Theatre'

By Theatre members

New Theatre

Current highest bid: £15

'UoN Sport'

By UoN Sport

UON sport

Current highest bid: £16

'UoN SU'

By UoN Students' Union

Students' Union 30%

Current highest bid: £15



'The Winter Shadows'

By Ceri Robson, The Hobby Room

The Hobby Room - The Winter Shadows

Current highest bid: £61

'Boobie Booble'

By Tiffany Hunt, Professional make-up arist

Tiffany Hunt, Boobie booble

Current highest bid: £40