Institute for the Study of Slavery


Edmund Stewart

  • Edmund Stewart, 2016. Professionalism and the poetic persona in archaic Greece. Cambridge Classical Journal. 62, 200-223
  • Edmund Stewart, Edward Harris and David Lewis, eds., Skilled Labour and Professionalism in Ancient Greece and Rome. Cambridge University Press. (In Press.)

Jessica Wardlaw


Judith Still


Marc Kleijwegt


Ross Wilson


Online papers:


Thomas Wiederman


Tony Burns


Isobel Elstob

  • Visualizing the Victorians: The Nineteenth Century in Contemporary Art, London: Palgrave Macmillan [forthcoming]
  • “The End is the Beginning and Lies Far Ahead”: time and textuality in African American visualizations of the historical past, 1990-2000’, Traces and Memories of Slavery, London: Routledge [in press]
  • Material Histories: collage as medium in Kara Walker’s picture series, 2001-2005’ [current]

Institute for the Study of Slavery

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD
