School of Law

Image of Kees van Haperen

Kees van Haperen

PGR/PGTA Criminal Law,



Kees is a PhD student at the University of Nottingham, School of Law. He also holds an LLM from the University of Nottingham (Merit), an MSc in Risk, Crisis and Disaster Management and an MBA both from the University of Leicester.

In Feb 2023, Kees was appointed to the Commission of the Peace for England and Wales as Justice of the Peace in Northamptonshire area, and sworn in as Magistrate in May 2023.

Since 2021, Kees has been one of NILSC's parttime research assistants on several projects, including one aimed at supporting the IFRC in its development of a database of national disaster cases. During the summer of 2022 he supported research on economic sanctions on Russia in response to its illegal armed intervention in Ukraine. Finally, in 2023 he undertook some analysis of the state of art of 'international legal personality'. In 2021, Kees also joined for which he wrote made a number of long-read contributions with topics covering 'space law', 'rule of international law' and the 'UN peacekeeping mission in Mali'.

In Nov 1996, after having left the Royal Netherlands Air Force, Kees has been working as a Defence and Security consultant and a recognised expert in soft systems thinking. He has been a visiting lecturer in Systems Thinking for the University of Reading, the University of Exeter, and in Project Management and Complexity of the Executive MBA and MBA programmes of WBS, the MSc-s in Technology Management and Systems Engineering of UCL, UWE and WMG, and at Loughborough School of Business and Economics. He has also held visiting lecturer positions at the University of Southampton, University of Cardiff, Cranfield University and Aston University.

He co-authored a book on organisational transformation and soft systems methodology entitled Soft Systems Thinking, Methodology and the Management of Change, published by Palgrave-Macmillan in May 2015. He has published several academic and professional papers and book contributions on risk management, crisis management, organisational learning, requirements management and systems thinking.

Research Summary

Kees' PhD research focuses on the analysis of Public International Law pertaining to disasters and concomitant conditions of violence and conflict with an emphasis on the contention that as Public… read more

Current Research

Kees' PhD research focuses on the analysis of Public International Law pertaining to disasters and concomitant conditions of violence and conflict with an emphasis on the contention that as Public International Law (PIL) - IDRL, IHL, and IHRL - in situations involving Incidents and Catastrophic Events and Non-International Armed Conflicts is fragmented and incoherent, it inadequately protects the safety and security of affected persons and responders. Kees' research is supervised by Professor Dino Kritsiotis, Dr Christy Shucksmith-Wesley and Dr Matthew Windsor, and is self-funded

School of Law

Law and Social Sciences building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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