JACK TOMLIN, VINCE EGAN, PETER BARTLETT and BIRGET VOELLM, 2020. What Do Patients Find Restrictive About Forensic Mental Health Services?: A Qualitative Study International Journal of Forensic Mental Health. 19, 1-13 JACK TOMLIN, PETER BARTLETT, BIRGET VOELLM, VIVEK FURTADO and VINCE EGAN, 2020. Perceptions of Restrictiveness in Forensic Mental Health: Do Demographic, Clinical, and Legal Characteristics Matter? International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. 64, 994-1012 DAISY CHEUNG, MICHAEL DUNN, ELIZABETH FISTEIN, PETER BARTLETT, JOHN MCMILLAN and CAROLE J PETERSEN, 2020. ‘Articulating Future Directions of Law Reform for Compulsory Mental Health Admission and Treatment in Hong Kong’ International Journal of Law and Psychiatry. 68, 101513 JACK TOMLIN, PETER BARTLETT, VIVEK FURTADO, VINCE EGAN and BIRGET VOELLM, 2020. An item response theory analysis of the Forensic Restrictiveness Questionnaire (FRQ) Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology. 31(4), 503-519 JACK TOMLIN, BIRGET VOELLM, VIVEK FURTADO, VINCE EGAN and PETER BARTLETT, 2019. The Forensic Restrictiveness Questionnaire: Development, Validation and Revision Frontiers in Psychiatry. 10, 805 PETER BARTLETT, 2018. Will and Preferences in the Overall CRPD Project’ World Psychiatry. 18(1), 48-50 JACK TOMLIN, PETER BARTLETT and BIRGIT VOELLM, 2018. ‘Experiences of restrictiveness in forensic psychiatric care: Systematic review and concept analysis’ International Journal of Law and Psychiatry. 57, 31-41 PETER BARTLETT, 2017. Stigma, Human Rights and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. In: WOLFGANG GAEBEL, WULF ROESSLER and NORMAN SARTORIUS, eds., The Stigma of Mental Illness: End of the Story? Springer. 209-223
ARGYLE E, DENING T and BARTLETT P, 2017. Space, the final frontier: outdoor access for people living with dementia. Aging & mental health. 21(10), 1005-1006 DINESH BHUGRA and PETER BARTLETT, 2017. The WPA-Lancet Psychiatry Commission on the Future of Psychiatry’ The Lancet Psychiatry. 4(10), 775-818 RUCK-KEENE, ALEX, PETER BARTLETT and NEIL ALLEN, 2016. Litigation Friends or Foes?: Representation of ‘P’ before the Court of Protection Medical Law Review. 24(3), 333-359 PETER BARTLETT, MOHAN MUDIGONDA, RICHARD MORRISS and ARUN CHOPRA, 2016. Planning for Incapacity by People with Bipolar Disorder under the Mental Capacity Act 2005’ Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law. 38(3), 263-286 BARTLETT, P. AND SANDLAND, R., 2014. Mental health law: policy and practice 4th ed. 4th. Oxford University Press.
PETER BARTLETT, 2014. Implementing a Paradigm Shift: Implementing the CRPD in the Context of Mental Disability Law Torture in Healthcare Settings: Reflections on the Special Rapporteur on Torture's 2013 Thematic Report. 169-180 BARTLETT, P., 2013. Rethinking Herczegfalvy: the Convention and the control of psychiatric treatment. In: BREMS, E., ed., Diversity and European human rights: rewriting judgments of the ECHR Cambridge University Press. 352-381
CALLARD, F, SARTORIUS, N, ARBOLEDA-FLOREZ, J, BARTLETT, P, HELMCHEN, H, STUART, H, TABORDA, J and THORNICROFT, G, 2012. Mental Illness, Discrimination and the Law: Fighting for Social Justice Wiley-Blackwell.
J PHULL and P BARTLETT, 2012. ’Appropriate’ Medical Treatment: What’s in a Word? Medicine, Science and the Law. O LEWIS and P BARTLETT, 2011. International human rights and community mental health. In: G THORNICRIOFT, G SZMUKLER, K MUESER and R DRAKE, eds., Oxford Textbook of Community Mental Health Oxford University Press. 230-237
PETER BARTLETT, RACHEL JENKINS and DAVID KIIMA, 2011. Mental health law in the community: Thinking about Africa International Journal of Mental Health Systems. 5, 21 BARTLETT, P, 2011. DSM-V and ICD-11 on personality disorder: A Lawyer's perspective Personality and Mental Health. 5(2), 144-151 BARTLETT, P, 2010. Stabbing in the Dark: English law relating to psychopathy. In: MCMILLAN, J and MALATESTI, L, eds., Responsibility and Psychopathy Oxford University Press. 25-40
BARTLETT, P., 2010. Sex, Dementia, Capacity and Care Homes LIVERPOOL LAW REVIEW. VOL 31(NUMBER 2), 137-154 GOSTIN, L, MCHALE, J, FENNELL P, MACKAY, R and BARTLETT, P, eds., 2010. Principles of Mental Health Law Oxford University Press.
BARTLETT, P., 2010. Civil confinement. In: GOSTIN, L., BARTLETT, P., FENNELL, P., MCHALE, J. and MACKAY R., eds., Principles of mental health law and policy Oxford University Press. 413-472
BARTLETT, P., MANTOVANI, N., CRATSLEY, K., DILLON, C. and EASTMAN, N., 2010. ‘You May Kiss the Bride, But You May Not Open Your Mouth When You Do So’: Policies Concerning Sex, Marriage and Relationships in English Forensic Psychiatric Facilities LIVERPOOL LAW REVIEW. VOL 31(NUMBER 2), 155-176 P BARTLETT, 2010. ‘Informal Admissions and Deprivation of Liberty under the Mental Capacity Act 2005’. In: GOSTIN, L, MCHALE, J, FENNELL, P, MACKAY, R and BARTLETT, P, eds., Principles of Mental Health Law Oxford University Press. 385-412
BARTLETT, P, 2009. The Code of Practice and the Ambiguities of ‘guidance' Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health. 19, 157-164 BARTLETT, P, 2009. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the future of mental health law Psychiatry. 18(1), 496-498
BARTLETT, P, 2008. Mental Health Law After the Convention’. In: ONTARIO PSYCHIATRIC PATIENT ADVOCATE OFFICE (PPAO), ed., 25th Annual Report Queen's Printer for Ontario.
BARTLETT, P, 2008. Blackstone's Guide to the Mental Capacity Act 2005 2nd. Oxford University Press.
BARTLETT, P, SIMMINS, T, ĐERIĆ, M and ZADRO, M., 2008. Analysis of the Mental Health Regulations in Bosnia and Herzegovina, with Recommendations Council of Europe.
BARTLETT, P, 2008. Introduction to special edition of Windsor Review of Legal and Social Issues on Mental Health Law Windsor Review of Legal and Social Issues. 25, 5-8
P.BARTLETT, 2008. Mental Health Legislation. In: REPPER, J and BROOKER, C, eds., Implementing the National Service Framework for Mental Health: Principles, Practice and Research Elsevir. 296-307.
BARTLETT, P, 2007. On Historical Contextualisation: A Lawyer Responds Crimes and Midemeanours. 107-108
BARTLETT, P., 2007. A Matter of Necessity? Enforced Treatment under the Mental Health Act Medical Law Review. 15, 86-98
BARTLETT, P. and SANDLAND, R., 2007. Mental health law: policy and practice 3rd ed.. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
BARTLETT, P., 2007. Killing gay men, 1976-2001 British Journal of Criminology. 47(4), 573-595 BARTLETT, P., 2006. Human Rights? Of course … but what does that mean?. In: NEW ZEALAND MENTAL HEALTH COMMISSION, ed., No-Force Advocacy by Users and survivors of Psychiatry Mental Health Commission, New Zealand. 23-29
BARTLETT, P, 2006. Psychology, Law and Murders of Gay Men: Responding to Homosexual Advances. In: BROOKS-GORDON and FREEMAN, M, eds., Law and Psychology Oxford University Press. 302-317
BARTLETT, P, 2006. Psychiatric Treatment: In the Absence of Law?: Case note on R (on the application of B) v Ashworth Hospital Authority and another [2005] U.K.H.L. 20 Medical Law Review. 14, 122-131
BARTLETT, P., LEWIS, O. and THOROLD, O., 2006. Mental disability and the European Convention on Human Rights Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff.
BARTLETT, P., 2005. Mental Disability and Human Rights in an International Context. In: Essential Guide to Human Rights Hodder Arnold, London, UK. 252-255
BARTLETT, P. and WATCHIRS, H., eds., 2005. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry
BARTLETT, P. and WATCHIRS, H., 2005. Introduction to special edition on human rights and mental disorder International Journal of Law and Psychiatry. 28:2, 97-98 STEWART, R., BARTLETT, P. and HARWOOD, R. H., 2005. Mental capacity assessments and discharge decisions Age and Ageing. VOL 34(NUMBER 6), 549-550 BARTLETT, P., 2005. Blackstone's guide to the Mental Capacity Act 2005 Oxford: Oxford University Press,.
BARTLETT, P., 2004. Capacity, Treatment and Human Rights Journal of Mental Health Law. 10, 52-66 BARTLETT, P., 2004. Review of Jill Peay, Decisions and Dilemmas: Working with Mental Health Law (Oxford: Hart, 2003) Common Law World Review. 33, 373-375
BARTLETT, P., 2003. Remembering the 1980s: Lessons and Nostalgia. In: Mental Health and Patient Rights in Ontario: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
BARTLETT, P and MCHALE, J, 2003. Mental Incapacity and Mental Health: The Development of Legal Reform and the Need for Joined-Up Thinking Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law. 25(4), 313-324
BARTLETT,P., 2003. Capacity and Confinement: When is Detention Not 'Detention'?. In: Involuntary Detention and Therapeutic Jurisprudence: International Perspectives on Civil Confinement Dartmouth Publishing Co. Ltd, Aldershot. 339-359
BARTLETT, P., 2003. Adults, mental illness and incapacity: convergence and overlap in legal regulation Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law. VOL 25(PART 4), 341-354 BARTLETT, P and SANDLAND, R., 2003. Mental health law: policy and practice 2nd ed.. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
BARTLETT, P and SANDLAND, R., 2003. Mental health law: policy and practice 2nd ed.. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
BARTLETT, P., 2002. Review of M. Jackson, The borderland of imbecility: Medicine, Society and the fabrication of the feeble mind in late Victorian and Edwardian England (Manchester: University of Manchester Press, 2000)
BARTLETT, P., 2002. Introduction: new approaches to established themes in the history of psychiatry International Journal of Law and Psychiatry. VOL 25(NUMBER 4), 299-302 BARTLETT, P., 2001. Legal Madness in the Nineteenth Century Social History of Medicine. VOL 14(PART 1), 107-132 BARTLETT, P, 2001. English Mental Health Reform: Lessons from Ontario? Journal of Mental Health Law. 27-43 BARTLETT, P., 2001. Eric J Engstrom, Matthias M Weber, Paul Hoff (eds), Knowledge and power: perspectives in the history of psychiatry Medical History. VOL 45(PART 3), 410-411
BARTLETT, P., 2000. The Mental Health Act: Tacking Stock of the Current Position and Thinking about the Future. In: Current Legal Issues Oxford University Press, Oxford. 537-558
BARTLETT, P., 2000. Structures of Confinement in 19th-Century Asylums International Journal of Law and Psychiatry. VOL 23(NUMBER 1), 1-13 BARTLETT, P. and WRIGHT, D., 2000. Community Care and its Antecedents. In: Outside the Walls of the Asylum Athlone Press, London. 1-19
BARTLETT, P., 2000. Casenote on R v The Mental Health Review Tribunal, Torfaen Country Borough Council, Gwent Health Authority, ex p Russell Hall Journal of Forensic Psychiatry. 11:2, 419-428
BARTLETT, P., 2000. Madness and Asylums in Modern Europe. In: Scribners Encyclopaedia of European Society History from 1350-2000 Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, NY. 429-443
BARTLETT, PETER and SANDLAND, RALPH, 2000. Mental health law : policy and practice / Peter Bartlett and Ralph Sandland London : Blackstone, 2000.
BARTLETT, P. and WRIGHT, D., 1999. The Victorian Antecedents to Care in the Community Journal of Mental Health. 404-405
BARTLETT, P., 1999. The Lawrence Enquiry and the Possibilities of Change. In: Hutchinson Almanac Helicon, Oxford.
BARTLETT, P., 1999. Review of Carl Stychin, A Nation by Rights: National Cultures, Sexual Identity Politics and the Discourse of Rights Public Law. 778-779
BARTLETT, P., 1999. The Poor Law of Lunacy: The Administration of Pauper Lunatics in Nineteenth-Century England Leicester University Press, London.
BARTLETT, P., 1999. Outside the Walls of the Asylum: The History of Care in the Community 1750-2000 Athlone Press, London.
BARTLETT, P., 1999. The Asylum and the Poor Law: The Produtive Alliance. In: Insanity, Institutions and Society - New Perspectives on the Social History of Madness Routledge, London and New York. 48-67
BARTLETT, P., 1998. The Asylum, the Workhouse, and the Voice of the Insane Poor in 19th-Century England International Journal of Law and Psychiatry. VOL 21(NUMBER 4), 421-432 BARTLETT, P., 1998. Silence and Sodomy: The Creation of Homosexual Identity in Law Modern Law Review. VOL 61(NUMBER 1), 102-114 BARTLETT, P., 1997. Casenote on Winnipeg Child and Family Sercies v DFG University of British Columbia Law Review. 31, 179-198
BARTLETT, P., 1997. Judging Disability: The Problem of Ableism Human Rights Law Review. 2:3, 2
BARTLETT, P., 1997. Doctors as Fiduciaries: Equitable Regulation of the Doctor-Patient Relationship Medical Law Review. VOL 5(NUMBER 2), 193-224
BARTLETT, P., 1997. Sodomites in the Pillory in Eighteenth-century London Social and Legal Studies. VOL 6(NUMBER 4), 553-572 BARTLETT, P., 1997. The Consequences of Incapacity Web Journal of Current Legal Issues. 4,
BARTLETT, P., 1996. Law and Nonsense: Delusion as the limitation of Sanity in Nineteenth-Century Law. In: Law and the Senses Pluto Press, London. 21-41
HARRISON, G. and BARTLETT, P., 1994. Supervision registers for mentally ill people BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL. VOL 309(ISSUE 6954), 551
BARTLETT, P., 1994. Review of T. Anderson and A. McGillivray, Adversaria: Literature and Law University of Toronto Quarterly. 65:1, 164
BARTLETT, P., 1994. A fair hearing for insiders with convictions, Review of E. Cummins, The Rise and Fall of California's Radical Prison Movement Times Higher Education Supplement. 26
BARTLETT, P., MARSHALL, M. and NAKATSU, C., 1990. Canadian Health Case Law Digest Butterworths, London, UK; Markham, Ontario, Canada.
BARTLETT, P., 1988. Mental Health Law: The Advocates Manual 2nd.
BARTLETT, P., 1987. Mental Health Law: The Advocates Manual
BARTLETT, P., 1986. Reform of the Office of the Public Trustee University of Western Ontario Law Review. 24, 79-101
BARTLETT, P., 1986. Sexual Distinctions in Pensions and Insurance Osgoode Hall Law Journal. 24, 833-865
PETER BARTLETT, Getting There from Here: English Mental Capacity Legislation and Supported Decision-Making’. In: MARTIN ZINKLER, CANDELARIA MAHLKE and ROLF MARSCHNER, eds., Selbstbestimmung und Solidarität – Unterstützte Entscheidungsfindung im psychiatrischen Kontext Psychiatrie Verlag. (In Press.)
WRIGHT, N, CALLAGHAN, P and BARTLETT, P, Mental Health Service Users and Practitioners Experiences of Engagement in Assertive Outreach Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing. (In Press.)