I have three main areas of research interest. The first is consumer protection law and policy. Within this broad area, I am particularly interested in how we protect consumers ( for example what types of law we use and how well they work) and in why we protect consumers in the way(s) we do. My second main area of interest in Financial Services Law and Regulation. Within this subject I am particularly interested in the techniques of regulation (when we insist that firms have licences, when we insist that they provide information, when we require them to have compensation schemes in place for example) and in the objectives of regulation (what are trying to achieve by regulating: consumer protection? confidence in financial markets? competition between providers?). The third is law and technology. Within this subject I am particularly interested in the use of technology as an unfair practice and especially how technology might be used to exacerbate (but also to reduce) consumer vulnerability.
Much of my research has looked at the relationship between these. I am the author of Consumer Protection and the Criminal Law (Cambridge University Press, 2001 - winner of a Society of Legal Scholars Prize for Outstanding Legal Scholarship); Banks Consumers and Regulation (Hart Publishing, 2004); joint author of Banks In Crisis: the Legal Response (Ashgate, 2003) and editor of Consumer Protection in Financial Services (Kluwer, 1999). My research has been commissioned/funded by, among others, the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), the Financial Services Research Forum and the Law Commission of England and Wales. I spent part of 2010 as an AHRC Research Fellow looking at reputational sanctioning and consumer policy and was earlier a beneficiary of the AHRB's Research Leave Scheme, investigating the protection of the consumer in banking. Some of my recent work has examined the protection of consumers in novel contexts (for example online gaming) and the use of immersive technologies as unfair practices.
I was awarded a Lord Dearing Prize for Teaching Excellence by the University of Nottingham in 2011.
I enjoy discussing my areas of interest with non-lawyers and with those outside academia as well, of course, as with legal academics.
Expertise Summary
I have been Professor of Consumer Protection Law at the University of Nottingham since 2004. I previously taught at Aberystwyth University where I was awarded a Ph.D for research into the role of criminal law in consumer protection. My main research interests are in consumer protection, financial services law (especially banking and regulatory aspects) law and technology and criminal law, and have published widely in these areas. I am the author of Consumer Protection and the Criminal Law (Cambridge University Press, 2001 - winner of a Society of Legal Scholars Prize for Outstanding Legal Scholarship); Banks Consumers and Regulation (Hart Publishing, 2004); joint author of Banks In Crisis: the Legal Response (Ashgate, 2003) and editor of Consumer Protection in Financial Services (Kluwer, 1999).
I have worked closely with a variety of stakeholders and am regularly consulted on regulatory reform, particularly in the areas of banking and consumer law. My research has been commissioned/funded by, among others, the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), the Financial Services Research Forum and the Law Commission of England and Wales. I spent part of 2010 as an AHRC Research Fellow looking at reputational sanctioning and consumer policy.
I have served on the Council of the Consumers' Association (Which?); the Law Society of England and Wales's Advisory Group on Consumer Rights; and the UK Department of Trade and Industry's (as it then was) Advisory Committee on Consumer Law Reform. I have also served as Convenor of the Consumer Law Section of the Society of Legal Scholars and as Scientific Director of the European Credit Research Institute, Brussels.
I am a member of the editorial boards of the Journal of Banking Regulation and the Journal of European Consumer and Market Law. I am also an affiliate member of the Chartered Trading Standards Institute, having been nominated for that position by the Institute's President in recognition of my contribution to consumer law scholarship.
Teaching Summary
In terms of subject areas, I am particularly interested in consumer protection law and policy, in the regulation of financial services (particularly banking) and in criminal law.
I have served as a member of the University's Teaching and Learning Board, and Chair of the University's Academic Appeals and Academic Misconduct Committee. I am (from 1-8-23) Deputy Head of the School of Law and Director of Education and Student Experience, a role I have also previously held. I was Director of Undergraduate Programmes in the School of Law from 2004, a position I held until the creation of the DESE role. I held the DUP role jointly with Nigel Gravells for many years. Nigel and I were jointly awarded a Dearing Award in 2011 for our contribution to the undergraduate learning environment in the School of Law.
Research Summary
I have three main areas of research interest. The first is consumer protection law and policy. Within this broad area, I am particularly interested in how we protect consumers ( for example what… read more
Current Research
I have three main areas of research interest. The first is consumer protection law and policy. Within this broad area, I am particularly interested in how we protect consumers ( for example what types of law we use and how well they work) and in why we protect consumers in the way(s) we do. My second main area of interest in Financial Services Law and Regulation. Within this subject I am particularly interested in the techniques of regulation (when we insist that firms have licences, when we insist that they provide information, when we require them to have compensation schemes in place for example) and in the objectives of regulation (what are trying to achieve by regulating: consumer protection? confidence in financial markets? competition between providers?) The third is Law, Technology and the Consumer. I am particularly interested in how technology may be used to exploit consumers, for example, where providers engage in commercial practices which are misleading, aggressive and otherwise unfair. This work is informed by research in areas other than law such as behavioural economics.
I am currently looking at how technology is used against the consumer interest and, in particular, when that use constitutes an unfair commercial practice on the basis of being misleading, aggressive or otherwise unfair. Themes within this include the incorporation of loot boxes in videogames, the use of immersive technologies.
Past Research
Much of my research has looked at the relationship between the two main areas, for example, investigating how and why we use the law to regulate banks in the interests of the consumer. I am the author of Consumer Protection and the Criminal Law (Cambridge University Press, 2001 - winner of a Society of Legal Scholars Prize for Outstanding Legal Scholarship); Banks Consumers and Regulation (Hart Publishing, 2004); joint author of Banks In Crisis: the Legal Response (Ashgate, 2003) and editor of Consumer Protection in Financial Services (Kluwer, 1999). My research has been commissioned/funded by, among others, the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), the Financial Services Research Forum and the Law Commission of England and Wales. I spent part of 2010 as an AHRC Research Fellow looking at reputational sanctioning and consumer policy.
Future Research
I am interested in looking at how consumer protection law and policy can be used to protect particularly vulnerable consumers, particularly where technology is involved. A particular interest is the use of emotion-targeted advertising.