School of Life Sciences

Zoology at Nottingham is top of the pops!


The annual National Student Survey shows that BSc and MSci Zoology students at Nottingham rate their degree number one in the UK. When asked how satisfied they were with the overall quality of their course, students gave their degree an average rating of 4.7 out of 5 – the top rating given by students at the 22 universities which offer the subject. Students also rated Zoology at Nottingham first on eight other measures of satisfaction, including questions relating to teaching, assessment, academic support and course organisation.

The BSc Zoology degree offers students a modern take on all aspects of animal biology, from molecular genetics, cell biology and physiology through to ecology, behaviour and conservation. The increasingly popular four year integrated masters degree (MSci) also includes a final year in which students with an interest in pursuing a career in scientific research gain hands-on experience of cutting-edge approaches to the subject in a year-long research project, alongside generic research training.


Posted on Thursday 12th September 2013

School of Life Sciences

University of Nottingham
Medical School
Queen's Medical Centre
Nottingham NG7 2UH

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