School of Life Sciences

Image of Moira Taylor

Moira Taylor

Associate Professor of Human Nutrition (Dietetics), Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences


  • workRoom E89 University of Nottingham Medical School
    Queen's Medical Centre
    NG7 2UH
  • work0115 9516104
  • fax0115 82 30142

Research Summary


  • Obesity: interaction with meal pattern, metabolic consequences, nutrient gene interactions, regulation of appetite, therapeutic interventions including cognitive and behavioural methods
  • Disease related undernutrition: establishing the consequences and multi- factorial causes of undernutrition (including insufficient fluid intake) in sick patients in hospital and community and developing effective clinical practice to overcome these.
  • Phytochemicals: Establishing the evidence base to support encouraging the consumption of foods containing potential phytochemicals with reference to cancer and vascular function.


  • Design and implementation of human dietary intervention studies
  • Measurement of food and nutrient intake
  • Measurement of appetite
  • Measurement of energy expenditure
  • Meaurement of body composition


  • A randomised trial assessing weight loss and quadriceps strengthening exercises as interventions for reducing knee pain in the community in overweight people - Arthritis research campaign
  • Human intervention studies with broccoli and ITC- enriched broccoli- industry and DTA
  • Physiology of enteral tube feeding- industry
  • Phytochemicals and vascular function- BBSRC
  • Nutrient gene interactions and obesity (European Union Framework 5 programme)
  • Food composition, appetite and food intake- Industry and DTA

Centre Collaborators

  • Prof. Ian Macdonald
  • Dr. Vincent Wilson

Local Collaborators

  • Dr Tim Bowling- UNH
  • Prof Dave Barrett- Pharmacy
  • Prof Ken Muir - Epidemiology and Public Health

UK Collaborators

  • Prof Richard Mithen- IFR Norwich
  • Dr Paul Kroon- IFR Norwich
  • Dr David Hughes- IFR Norwich

International Collaborators

  • Prof T Sørensen Institute of Preventive Medicine, Copenhagen University Hospital

Future Research

energy balance regulation and its application to the two clinical extremes of obesity and illness related undernutrition. She is interested in refining methods of nutritional support ranging from the use of simple food supplementation, via improving the acceptability of energy and nutrient dense sip feeds to establishing the impact of home enteral tube feeding on the quality of life of patients and their carers. Other areas of interest include interactions between nutrition and cognitive function. Dr Taylor has worked with computer based cognitive function tests to measure the impact of a low fat and Mediterranean style diet on mood and cognitive function and the importance of 'expectation' in the interaction between glucose consumption and cognitive function.

School of Life Sciences

University of Nottingham
Medical School
Queen's Medical Centre
Nottingham NG7 2UH

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