Shahida Mallah
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences
Dr Shahida Mallah is an Assistant Professor in Cardiovascular Pharmacology. She is professionally trained Pharmacist and have completed her Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm-D) from University of Sindh and was awarded with Vice Chancellor's Gold and Silver medal. She then successfully completed MSc in Molecular Pharmacology from University of Bedfordshire and PhD in Drug Discovery and Pharmacology from University of Bristol. In PhD she worked under the supervision of Prof.Elek Molnar and Prof.David Jane where she established the novel antagonists for Kainate receptors, a subtype of glutamate receptors involved in synaptic plasticity and neurodegenerative diseases.Following to PhD she undertook EPSRC funded postdoctoral fellowship with Platelets group in Bristol University working closely with Prof Ingeborg Hers,Prof Varinder Aggarwal and Prof Stuart Mundell. During postdoctoral research she characterized and identified potential anti-thrombotic compounds. Shahida is also a Fellow of Higher Education as she considers, research and teaching work in synergy. She has also acted as Course Director for BSc in Pharmacology at Coventry University.
Teaching Summary
Dr S.Mallah's teaching interest are in Cardiovascular Pharmacology, Physiology and drug discovery. This teaching is based on strong theoretical, practical, industrial and research background in… read more
Research Summary
Drug discovery is costly and time consuming process and requires years of research to establish clinically relevant medicines but basic science which underpins future discoveries and developments can… read more
Dr S.Mallah's teaching interest are in Cardiovascular Pharmacology, Physiology and drug discovery. This teaching is based on strong theoretical, practical, industrial and research background in Pharmacy, Pharmacology and on general principles of Pharmacology and drug discovery. Dr S.Mallah has also developed modules,assessments, modified and reviewed curriculum in her pervious roles. Her teaching is mainly research informed and she also welcomes undergraduate and MSc students from Pharmacology and Pharmacy for their research projects
She is teaching across the following courses:
• Drug Discovery MSc Course (School of Pharmacy, University of Nottingham).
• Medicine BMedSci Course (School of Medicine, University of Nottingham).
• Pharmacology BSc Course (School of Life Sciences, University of Nottingham).
• Pharmacy MPharm Course (School of Pharmacy, University of Nottingham).
Learning Interests: Encourage students to envisage real world application of scientific teaching, learning and how they can apply theoretical, practical and transferable skills beyond class-room environment.
Current Research
Drug discovery is costly and time consuming process and requires years of research to establish clinically relevant medicines but basic science which underpins future discoveries and developments can not be undervalued. Dr S.Mallah's current research work focuses on Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) which is a rare progressive condition that is caused by the ongoing contraction of small pulmonary arteries, and the remodeling and proliferation of smooth muscle and endothelin cells. She is investigating how to improve existing therapies for PAH, molecular mechanism of non-prostanoid therapies and targeting alternative pathways for novel therapies.
Current Projects:
1-Do ligands with different chemical structures impact conformational changes in GPCRs?- This will help us to better understand receptor-ligand binding interaction, chemical structures and how to improve available PAH therapies.
2-How prostacyclin response varies in different sexes- This will help public health and prescribers in prescription decision making and also will shed lights on why PAH medicines have differential efficacy in sub-populations
Past Research
Past research has mainly focused on establishment, characterization and drug design of novel pharmacological drugs for proteins involved in neurodegenerative and cardiovascular diseases. Range of HTS assays and techniques are utilized some of those are listed below;
Cell culture
Flex station
Radioligand Binding assays
Future Research
I am open to explore and collaborate on projects relevant to dementia