School of Mathematical Sciences
services for business

Services for business

Find out how our world-leading research and teaching staff can support your business 


Explore our services

Overcoming a technical challenge

If you have a specific technical question, we can provide access to our academic staff and research students, either on a consultancy basis or through a meeting or event tailored to your needs.

This could include data analysis, validating or improving methods, evidencing efficacy of a product, coding, or more complex queries.


Transferring knowledge to your staff

This can be provided through:

  • direct engagement with academic staff to train individuals in a particular method or program
  • longer-term projects such as Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTP) which employ an ‘associate’ to work on-site with you, with supervision from us – with their salary subsidised by the Government.

Accessing potential employees

Supporting our best students via co-created projects is an effective way in which to train potential employees.

Typical engagement is through joint studentships – from providing a placement for the student to work with you for 3-6 months, up to funding part or all of the studentship itself. The level of investment will depend on how involved you wish to be in driving the project.

You are also welcome to take part in our various recruitment/ careers events for all students, and providing seminars for our students and staff.


Accessing funding and resources

There are various funding sources that can only be accessed via a partnership between academia and industry. This includes opportunities through:

  • Innovate UK
  • UK Research Councils such as EPSRC
  • Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTP)

If you would like to undertake a longer-term research project, or a pilot study leading to a potential longer-term project, we would be happy to help you prepare an application.

We can also provide access to our Linux servers and to the University’s High Performance Computing  facility through such funding applications.




School of Mathematical Sciences

The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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