Dr Adam Watkins

Dr Adam Watkins
Department of Child Health, Obstetrics and Gynaecology. School of Medicine
0115 8230699

Expertise summary

Dr Watkins' research focuses on the effect of parental diet at the time of conception and how this affects the quality of their sperm and eggs, the development of the embryos they generate and the long-term cardiovascular and metabolic health of their offspring. His interests are in understanding the basic principles of reproduction, and how environmental factors e.g. parental health, diet, in vitro culture can affect the long-term health of the offspring.

He has written several articles for the Conversation UK on aspects of fertility, male contraception and paternal diet (https://theconversation.com/profiles/adam-watkins-309540/dashboard).

More information is available from his University webpage.

Adam Watki

Areas of expertise

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