University applicants may go east

20 Aug 2010 13:06:30.813

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Applicants who have achieved strong grades and are still looking for a good university place are being offered an opportunity that would let them experience university life in one of the most vibrant parts of the world.

The University of Nottingham’s campuses in Asia still have places available for many degree courses, and students unable to secure a place at its UK campus — where fewer than 50 places were available on Thursday through the Clearing process — could opt to study in Malaysia or China for the same Nottingham degree offered in the UK.

For the past decade, Nottingham has developed a global presence to become a top choice for students who want a high quality, international education. In 2000, it established a presence in Malaysia, and in 2004, Nottingham became the first foreign university to be approved by the Chinese Ministry of Education to establish a campus in China. Its 140-acre site is situated at Ningbo near Shanghai

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At over 95 per cent, the employment record of Nottingham’s graduates is one of the UK’s best. For the China campus, graduate employment figures are 100 per cent.

High Fliers Research has identified Nottingham as one of 10 UK universities most often targeted by the UK’s leading graduate employers. Our students are widely respected for their academic abilities and broad range of skills. Global experiences are increasingly valued by top employers. The University was a world top 20 choice for employers in the QS World Ranking 2009/10.

Professor Christine Ennew, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Internationalisation at The University of Nottingham, said: “At a time when many excellent students will be unable to secure places at an established university in Britain as a consequence of the pressures on public finances, The University of Nottingham is in a position to offer students the chance to gain a degree from a prestigious University by living and studying in one of the most vibrant and dynamic regions of the world.

“Across a range of subjects, including Business, Accounting, Engineering, Communications Studies, International Relations, English, Pharmacy and Bioscience, the University’s campuses in China and Malaysia offer a range of high quality degree programmes. Students applying for these courses can do so with confidence as all of the University’s provision, across all its campuses, has received the highest possible rating from the UK's Quality Assurance Agency.”

The teaching and learning experiences offered by Nottingham at its campuses in China and Malaysia is acclaimed in those countries too. In Malaysia, The University of Nottingham has been awarded powers of self-accreditation, a new Malaysian government initiative for mature institutions with well-established reputations for delivering the very best degree programmes.

The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus (UNMC) also achieved ‘Tier Five’ or ‘excellent’ in the Rating System for Malaysian Higher Education 2009 (Setara) announced by the Malaysian Higher Education Minister in July 2010. These landmark achievements for the University reflect its status as one of Malaysia’s elite higher education providers.

The first group of Malaysian students arrived in Nottingham 60 years ago, in 1950, and in 2000 the University chose to launch a fully operational overseas branch campus in Malaysia. Five years later it opened its 125 acre Semenyhi Campus. Malaysia Campus celebrates its tenth anniversary this year.

UNMC first opened its doors to just 90 students in Kuala Lumpur. Since then, its student body in Malaysia has grown to over 3,500 — including more than 70 nationalities. In China, the stunning Ningbo Campus is now home to over 4,000 students.

In 1999, The University of Nottingham elected as its Chancellor, Professor Yang Fujia, an internationally eminent Chinese physicist and a distinguished academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He is also Vice-Chairman of the Chinese Science and Technology Union.

Studying for a Nottingham degree abroad could be more affordable than people think and may pay dividends for graduates’ careers later. Information on how to apply is available from Vincenzo Raimo, Director of The University of Nottingham’s International Office in the first instance, on +44 (0)115 951 5243, or by emailing

Visit for details, or our Asia campuses’ websites: and  

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Notes to editors: The University of Nottingham is ranked in the UK's Top 10 and the World’s Top 100 universities by the Shanghai Jiao Tong (SJTU) and Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings.

More than 90 per cent of research at The University of Nottingham is of international quality, according to RAE 2008, with almost 60 per cent of all research defined as ‘world-leading’ or ‘internationally excellent’. Research Fortnight analysis of RAE 2008 ranks the University 7th in the UK by research power. In 27 subject areas, the University features in the UK Top Ten, with 14 of those in the Top Five.

The University provides innovative and top quality teaching, undertakes world-changing research, and attracts talented staff and students from 150 nations. Described by The Times as Britain's “only truly global university”, it has invested continuously in award-winning campuses in the United Kingdom, China and Malaysia. Twice since 2003 its research and teaching academics have won Nobel Prizes. The University has won the Queen's Award for Enterprise in both 2006 (International Trade) and 2007 (Innovation — School of Pharmacy), and was named ‘Entrepreneurial University of the Year’ at the Times Higher Education Awards 2008.

Nottingham was designated as a Science City in 2005 in recognition of its rich scientific heritage, industrial base and role as a leading research centre. Nottingham has since embarked on a wide range of business, property, knowledge transfer and educational initiatives ( in order to build on its growing reputation as an international centre of scientific excellence. The University of Nottingham is a partner in Nottingham: the Science City

Story credits

Vincenzo Raimo, Director of The University of Nottingham’s International Office, on +44 (0) 115 951 5243,
  Simon Butt

Simon Butt - Stakeholder Relations and Campaign Manager

Email: Phone: +44 (0)115 84 67156 Location: University Park

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