'Live longer...give up sex'

05 Apr 2013 09:00:00.000


The world renowned fertility expert, Professor Lord Robert Winston, is to deliver a public lecture entitled ‘Live Longer – Give up Sex’ at Nottingham University Medical School this month.

The lecture is sponsored by theSociety of Reproduction and Fertility (SRF) as part of its ‘Sex in Three Cities’ series, hosted every year in Nottingham, Edinburgh and London. The series of talks by prominent scientists is aimed at promoting science to both academia and the general public.

Lord Winston’s talk ‘Live Longer – Give up Sex’, takes place at 6pm on Wednesday 10 April 2013 in Lecture Theatre A1 in the Medical School at the Queen’s Medical Centre, Nottingham.  

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Professor Winston is Emeritus Professor of Fertility Studies and Professor of Science and Society at Imperial College, London. In the latter role Professor Winston wants to encourage more students to recognise the importance of talking about their work and their research and to make it as relevant to as many people as possible. He said: “Giving young people the chance to get involved in practical work in a scientific environment is the key to inspiring them to see science as exciting.”

Professor Winston has around 300 scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals on reproduction and embryology. He is highly respected for his efforts to communicate science to the general public through award winning BBC programmes, perhaps the best known being ‘The Human Body’ and through books such as ‘What makes me, me’, translated into over 35 languages.

Dr Richard Lea, Associate Professor and Reader in Reproductive Biology at the University's School of Veterinary Medicine and Science and Treasurer of the SRF, said: “We are delighted that Professor Winston has agreed to deliver these lectures and we are particularly proud to welcome him to Nottingham. The objective of the SRF Lecture Series is to improve awareness and understanding of reproduction research amongst students and staff in academia and, most importantly, the general public. We couldn’t have wished for a more prominent speaker. As Professor of Science and Society, the first at Imperial College, Professor Winston plays a major role in improving communication and public engagement with science as well as interaction between scientists and the public. These are also the key aims of the SRF and I have no doubt that this high profile lecture will achieve just that.”

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More information is available from Dr Richard Lea, School of Veterinary Medicine and Science, University of Nottingham Sutton Bonington Campus, College Road, Sutton Bonington, LE12 5RD. Tel: +44 (0)115 951 6426 richard.lea@nottingham.ac.uk 

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