Volunteers needed for depth perception study

25 Jul 2014 14:30:17.843

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Researchers from a joint program with The University of Nottingham and Virginia Tech are looking for volunteers to take part in a human factors study on depth perception.

The study is looking at how Augmented Reality Graphics (AR) affect depth perception of real world objects.

The purpose of the study is to test whether there is an effect on depth perception while looking at graphics using different types of displays. It should be applied in a driving situation and will ultimately be used to analyse the safety of AR graphics on windscreens in vehicles.

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During the study, participants will be asked to look through a heads up display (HUD), with a celebrity cardboard pedestrian moving towards them. They will be required to look through the HUD, which will have graphics on it, and to judge the depth of the ‘pedestrian’ while watching the graphics.

Nadejda Doutcheva, a Human Factor researcher said: “The study features Hugh Jackman and will be fun. We are also building a partnership between The University of Nottingham and Virginia Tech, as well as continuing our relationship with Jaguar Land Rover. It’s has been really interesting working with faculty from the Human Factors Research Group, and learning about the different technologies and various studies going on here.

“We are very excited about learning about this technology and developing it to its full potential.”

In order to take part in the study, volunteers must have experience of driving and be over 18. Additionally, they must have perfect corrected vision (20/20 without corrective vision, or 20/20 when they are wearing glasses).

The study should last around one hour. Volunteers will receive a £10 shopping voucher for their time.

Please visit the following link and select a time to attend. http://doodle.com/62k3hif7p558bt7r

More information is available from Nadia Doutcheva, Human Factors Researcher at nldoutch@vt.edu or Missie Smith, Human Factors Researcher at mis16@vt.edu

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Impact: The Nottingham Campaign, its biggest-ever fundraising campaign, is delivering the University’s vision to change lives, tackle global issues and shape the future. More news…

Story credits

More information is available from Nadia Doutcheva, Human Factors Researcher at nldoutch@vt.edu or Missie Smith, Human Factors Researcher at mis16@vt.edu

Charlotte Anscombe – Media Relations Manager (Arts and Social Sciences)

Email: charlotte.anscombe@nottingham.ac.uk  Phone:+44 (0)115 74 84 417 Location: University Park

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