Nottingham University Business School wins prestigious Small Business Charter Award

Nottingham University Business School Dean Prof Martin Binks receiving the award
17 Jun 2014 15:42:30.920

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Nottingham University Business School is celebrating after attaining a Small Business Charter Award in recognition of the role it has played in helping to kick-start British enterprise.

The Small Business Charter Award scheme — of which Nottingham University Business School is a trailblazer member — has already helped 4,700 students to find work placements in Britain’s exciting micro-business and start-up sector.

Small Business Charter business schools have directly helped more than 8,000 small businesses, working with them through workshops, mentoring and other business support. More than 800 new businesses have already been started as a result of Small Business Charter schools.

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Professor Martin Binks, Dean of Nottingham University Business School, said: “We’re proud that our longstanding commitment to supporting UK small- and medium-sized businesses has been recognised and we look forward to developing even stronger relationships with SMEs and our partner business schools in this vital work.”

Exceptional dedication

By receiving the award, Nottingham University Business School has demonstrated exceptional dedication to helping improve links with and support the small business community in the local area.
The Growth 100 programme, delivered by Nottingham University Business School in partnership with Nottingham City Council aims to help owners of promising small businesses to think and act big by providing the support to evaluate and implement growth plans. Through a series of 12 one-day practical sessions, Growth 100 is helping business owners and directors to develop the skills to achieve business expansion with a view to exploiting new business opportunities and markets.

The award brings significant benefits — it means that Nottingham University Business School will have the ability to play an active role in schemes such as Growth Vouchers, Growth Accelerators and Start-Up Loans provided by the Government, meaning they can directly invest in new start-ups and entrepreneurs.

The Small Business Charter Award ceremony took place recently at 10 Downing Street. The awards were presented by Lord Young, an adviser to the Prime Minister on small business and enterprise and Sir Peter Bonfield, chair of The Small Business Charter Management Board and former chairman of BT.

The Small Business Charter originated following Lord Young’s report Growing Your Business, which was aimed at bringing business schools, business and entrepreneurs closer together to deliver real change. Supported by the Association of Business Schools, Lord Young and the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills the Small Business Charter Awards offers a springboard to unlocking support and investment for students, start-ups and small businesses. The Charter also follows the Association of Business Schools’ Innovation Taskforce report.

Real impact

Lord Young congratulated the Small Business Charter award-winners for their trailblazing work, which he recommended to the Prime Minister in his report on enterprise last year.

He said: “Our world-class universities and business schools are a key part of the UK economy — even more so as a result of this initiative. I hope that these awards will be the first of many and build on the outstanding work our business schools do to boost enterprise locally.”

Sir Peter Bonfield CBE FReng, Chair of the Small Business Charter Management Board, said:

“I am delighted to be involved with the Small Business Charter. This is an exciting initiative which recognises the value of small businesses. We have a tremendous opportunity to nurture innovation and enterprise and support the next generation of great British entrepreneurs.”

Rekha Mehr, interim Managing Director, Small Business Charter, said:
“Micro-businesses make up 95 per cent of UK businesses and play a crucial role in the structure of our economy. We need to further their growth and the Small Business Charter recognizes UK business schools doing just that. Our accredited schools have made real impact in the last 18 months, directly supporting over 8,000 businesses, placing over 4,700 students on real business projects and helping students to start over 800 new businesses.”

Michael Hayman, Co-founder Seven Hills and StartUp Britain and member of the Small Business Charter Management Board, said:

“The Small Business Charter unleashes the full potential of business schools as an asset for British enterprise. The schools celebrated today are set to become a nationwide network of entrepreneur-focused hubs for talent, creativity and ideas. The work underway and the work to come is about backing growth by realising new sources of skill and innovation. The schools are a national asset enhancing both the scale up potential of existing firms and supercharging the UK’s energetic start up culture. Today is an important point of recognition for the 20 pioneering schools that are exemplars of academia providing an infrastructure for the growth of small business. It is a culture of collaboration that is set to be accelerated as the Charter becomes a hallmark of national enterprise excellence.”

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Notes to editors: The University of Nottinghamhas 43,000 students and is ‘the nearest Britain has to a truly global university, with campuses in China and Malaysia modelled on a headquarters that is among the most attractive in Britain’ (Times Good University Guide 2014). It is also the most popular university among graduate employers, the world’s greenest university, and winner of the Times Higher Education Award for ‘Outstanding Contribution to Sustainable Development’. It is ranked in the World's Top 75 universities by the QS World University Rankings.

Impact: The Nottingham Campaign, its biggest-ever fundraising campaign, is delivering the University’s vision to change lives, tackle global issues and shape the future. More news…


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More information is available from Dr Sophia Taylor on +44 (0)115 846 6974,

Emma Thorne Emma Thorne - Media Relations Manager

Email: Phone: +44 (0)115 951 5793 Location: University Park

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