In July the nmRC hosted six groups of Year 10 students as part of the Faculty of Science Work Experience programme. The students were introduced to the world of nanoscience and electron microscopy by Dr Luke Norman (Knowledge Exchange Fellow) who also presented a quiz called Microscopic Mysteries in which they had to identify high magnification SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy) images.
The visits then continued with a tour of the electron microscopy facilities which included live demonstrations of SEM and TEM with Lorelei Robertson (Electron Microscope Technician) and Dr Michael Fay (Senior Research Fellow) showcasing imaging of various items such as sand grains, nanoparticles and lavender flowers. To give the students a comprehensive insight into career possibilities in this field, Dr Julie Watts (Research Fellow) and Sally Schofield (Assistant Technician) provided engaging career talks. They not only outlined their roles at the nmRC but also shared their unique career journeys that led them to this exciting domain of research.
Overall, we are extremely pleased with the outcome of these visits and hope that they have ignited inspiration for the next generation to pursue careers in nanoscience and materials characterisation.
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