Teaching strategies.

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"Everybody has a completely free voice to say what they want to say and the whole idea is that you get ideas from other peoples' ideas."

David Clarke
School of Psychology
Tutorials: participation and creativity using nominal group technique.

Short paper

The role of silence in communication: Cross-cultural studies examining beliefs about talk and the role of silence indicate that silence is viewed differently by different cultures and different social values and norms govern the amount of talk and silence in communication contexts. Scallon (1985) and Giles et al., (1992) have shown that silence is associated with the negative values in Western culture (lack of interest; unwillingness to communicate, rejection; interpersonal incompatibility; shyness). In UK talk is seen as the norm in communication, and the role of silence as a means of communication has been largely ignored. Here discussion is a recognised teaching technique, most prominently in the humanities and social sciences and active classroom participation is encouraged and often is part of the evaluation of effective learning. This paper looks at the role silence may play in learning from a different perspective.
(The role of silence in communication)

More scholarly interpretations of the theoretical basis:

... all Internationalisation short papers

Teaching strategies themes

"We discover, as a group, what the function of each section of the article is, so the abstract, methods results…"


"Learning how to write is not something you can just get in a one hour session, it involves a huge amount of practice."


"I'm particularly mindful of the difficulty of getting everybody to participate in a way they're comfortable with…"

Nicola Pitchford
School of Psychology
Reading academic papers: participation in tutorials

Rebecca Moor
School of Law
Learning academic writing and skills of argument

David Clarke
School of Psychology
Valuing the student voice: the tutorless tutorial

Most viewed

Dr Rachel Scudamore

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Printed: 06:11 pm, Saturday 8th February 2025