School of Pharmacy

BPC commendation for postgraduate student

Hywel Williams

One of our third year postgraduate students, Hywel Williams, won a commendation at the British Pharmaceutical Conference 2008, held in Manchester 7-9 Sept.

Hywel, who works in the Formulation Insights Group is sponsored by Merck Sharp and Dohme and the University of Nottingham.  He won his commendation for the best oral presentation in the session "Short talks in Pharmaceutics".  The title of the talk was:

"Can dietary sugars influence the extended-release performance of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose matrices?"

Authors: Hywel D Williams, Robert Ward, Ian J Hardy and Colin D Melia

Posted on Monday 20th October 2008

School of Pharmacy

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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