School of Pharmacy

Molly Stevens named as one of the world's most inspiring women

Molly Stevens

Image of Molly Stevens first used in PJ, 11 August 2007, p163

Professor Molly Stevens, a pharmacist who carried out her PhD with the School of Pharmacy at Nottingham University, has been named as one of the world's most inspiring women by The Guardian to mark the 100th International Women's Day (8th March 2011).  She was one of seven women listed in the 'Science and Medicine' section of the list of the world's top 100 inspiring women.

Professor Stevens worked in the Laboratory of Biophysics and Surface Analysis Division when she was here - she graduated in 2001 with a PhD in Atomic Force Microscopy Studies of Biomolecular Adhesion and Mechanics.  Her supervisors were Martyn Davies, Clive Roberts, Saul Tendler and Phil Williams. 

Professor Stevens is now a professor of biomedical materials and regenerative medicine at the Institute of Biomedical Engineering at Imperial College London.  She is also the research director for biomedical material sciences. 

The Guardian lists one of her achievements leading to the award as being the work she carried out with the biotech company RepRegen, another being her science medal from the Royal Pharmaceutical Society's British Pharmaceutical Conference - the first woman to receive this.

To see the recent article in the Pharmaceutical Journal about this, please follow the link.

Posted on Monday 4th April 2011

School of Pharmacy

University of Nottingham
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