School of Pharmacy

Image of Benjamin Bowles

Benjamin Bowles

CDT Student, Faculty of Science



Ben graduated from UCL School of Pharmacy with a first-class Master's degree in Pharmacy, with focuses in treatment of cardiovascular and neurological disorders and cancer. During his time at UCL, Ben won the UCL Greenish Memorial Award for best overall performance of any student in the second year of the MPharm programme, the Royal Pharmaceutical Society Prize for best overall student after completion of the MPharm programme and was noted on the graduate Dean's list for Academic Achievement. Ben also undertook the Dean's Summer Studentship in 2013, working under the supervision of Prof Mala Shah to assist with laboratory research. After accepting a PhD position from UCL CDT in Advanced Therapeutics and Nanomedicines in 2015, Ben conducted research at GSK Harlow which lead to the publishing of two papers focused on the use of co-processed excipients in dispersible tablet formulations.

Research Summary

Project summary:

Conventional treatment of malignant solid tumours places heavy emphasis on systemic oral or intravenous administration of chemotherapy. This approach typically necessitates a high dosing regimen to achieve therapeutic drug concentrations at the site of interest. This however can lead to the development of dose-limiting systemic toxicities, which prevents efficient treatment of the disease and results in poor patient compliance. The described project aims to obviate the need for oral or intravenous dosing by developing drug-eluting implants for local treatment of solid tumours. This strategy would achieve high local drug concentrations with minimal systemic side effects. Also, through utilisation of SLA 3D-printing, we aim to fabricate pre-formed devices with customisable shape, size and internal structural composition to ensure optimal device placement and facilitate variable drug release rates that best suit an individual's tumour burden.

Future Research

'Understanding compaction behaviour of co-processed excipients' mini-project at GSK Harlow.

School of Pharmacy

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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