School of Pharmacy

Image of Sean Askin

Sean Askin

Postgraduate student, Faculty of Science



Sean graduated with a Starred 1st Class honours (81% average) Master of Pharmacy degree from the University of East Anglia in 2013. During his time as an undergraduate he received three industry sponsored awards and completed a Novartis-funded studentship, as well as a 12-week placement in Pharmaceutical Development at AstraZeneca. He then spent a year in Manchester completing the challenging AstraZeneca split pre-registration programme which consisted of 6 months experience within a parenterals pharmaceutics team and 6 months clinical training at Wythenshawe Hospital.

Sean is now a registered pharmacist and is in his final year of a Pharmaceutics PhD at the CDT in Advanced Therapeutics and Nanomedicine, based at UCL School of Pharmacy.

Research Summary

The PhD project aim is to use analytical characterisation techniques to better understand physical properties of model PLGA microparticle formulations and investigate how these affect the stability… read more

Current Research

The PhD project aim is to use analytical characterisation techniques to better understand physical properties of model PLGA microparticle formulations and investigate how these affect the stability and controlled release performance of these systems. The project has focussed particularly on assessing and developing methods for measuring drug-polymer solubility, and investigating whether this parameter matters regarding the stability and controlled release performance of PLGA formulations.

Past Research

CDT training project 1: Liposomal drug delivery systems from electrospun polymer nanofibres. Project completed under the supervision of Dr Gareth Williams.

CDT training project 2: Measurement of protein adsorption using a microscale kinetic batch uptake method for preparative chromatography. Project completed under the supervision of Prof Ajoy Velayudhan.

School of Pharmacy

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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