School of Pharmacy

Image of Kang-Nee Ting

Kang-Nee Ting

Professor and Head of School of Pharmacy,


  • workRoom BA52 Block B
    Malaysia Campus
    Jalan Broga
    43500 Semenyih
    Selangor Darul Ehsan
  • work+6 (03) 8924 8209
  • fax+6 (03) 8924 8018


I obtained my BPharm (Hons), PhD and PG Certificate in Higher Education from the University of Nottingham. I am a trained pharmacist and hold my professional memberships with the UK General Pharmaceutical Council, Malaysia Pharmacy Board and Singapore Pharmacy Council. Prior to my move to Nottingham in Malaysia, I had worked at the National University Hospital, Agency for Science & Technology, and Health Sciences Authority in Singapore for several years. I was also an Associate Lecturer at the Management Development Institute of Singapore. I am a founding member of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (UK) and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (UK).

I have received several prizes and awards in particular for my work in the community outreach and fund raising activities.

Best Poster Award from the International Biotechnology Society & The Pharmaceutical Society of Korea (2012)

University of Nottingham's Alumni Laureate Award- Special Excellence (2013)

Vice Chancellor's Achievement Award (2013)

Knowledge Exchange & Innovation Awards - Finalist (2014)

Pharmaceutical Association of Malaysia (PhAMA) President's Community Impact & Awareness Award, Grand Prize (2014)

University of Nottingham's Knowledge Exchange Award for "Water4life" project - Finalist (2016)

Lord Dearing Award (2018)

Schachter Award Travel bursary for PhD student Mak Yin Ying (2019)

Research Team Award for Most Supportive /Inclusive Research Environment 2021/22 (2022)

Teaching Summary

I am involved in the teaching of Physiology and Pharmacology modules for students on the Pharmacy, Biomedical Sciences, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Biosciences programmes. I am interested to improve… read more

Research Summary

My research focuses on studying the pharmacological effects of compounds/extracts originated from local plants and medicinal mushrooms.My specific area of interest is the effects of these… read more

I am involved in the teaching of Physiology and Pharmacology modules for students on the Pharmacy, Biomedical Sciences, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Biosciences programmes. I am interested to improve student learning experience through different ways of delivering lecture contents and it includes self directed and experiential learning.

Current Research

My research focuses on studying the pharmacological effects of compounds/extracts originated from local plants and medicinal mushrooms.My specific area of interest is the effects of these compounds/extracts in the vascular, bladder and airway smooth muscles. One long-term and ongoing project that I have worked with Prof Lim Kuan Hon over the years is looking at novel compounds affecting calcium channels including the Transient Receptor Potential Canonical (TRPC) Channels. More recently I have ventured into understanding the pathophysiology effects of microplastic particles in mammalian tissues and cells. With Prof Chris Gibbins and Dr Sivathass Bannir Selvam, we have started an informal 'novel contaminants' research group focusing on plastic and pharmaceutical contaminants.

Past Research

I was one of the few investigators working on the elucidation of melatonin receptors in the mammalian vasculature in the 90s. We managed to characterise the MT1 receptor on the rat tail artery using both the pharmacological and molecular tools. I worked extensively on the organ bath techniques and were well trained in the use of pharmacological tool for in vitro charaterisation of receptors. At the initial stages of my career as an academic I ventured into natural products. This led to the identified the optimal methods to study plant extracts and their potential antimicrobial effects and antioxidants. These method manuscripts are the highest cited publications to date (Clarke et al, 2013 and Othman et al., 2011)

School of Pharmacy

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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