School of Pharmacy

Image of Li  Shean Toh

Li Shean Toh

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Science



Dr Li Shean Toh is an assistant professor at the Division of Pharmacy Practice and Policy. Prior to her appointment at the division she worked as a lecturer in medicines management at the University of Tasmania, Australia. Li Shean obtained her PhD from the University of Nottingham and she has worked as a pharmacist in various areas which includes tertiary hospital, general practice and community. Her Master of Pharmacy was completed at the University of Strathcylde, UK.

Li Shean's main research focuses on improving health services by translating research into practice. She seeks to combine both in depth qualitative and quantitative methodologies to inform and change practice and policy. Her particular area of expertise is to explore the pharmacists role in patient care most notably in osteoporosis and prescribing in general practice. Other areas of interest include health literacy, patient experiences, intercultural competencies and interpofessional collaboration. Her latest and novel research area is in Astropharmacy, exploring medication safety and pharmacy services in space.She has funded project with the UK Space Agency. She had also led the recent inclusion of Pharmacological Countermeasures on the forthcoming European Space Agency (ESA) SciSpacE roadmap as well as an expert advisor with the United Nations (UN) and Royal Society. She has recently been awarded the European Space Leader Award by the Space Generation Advisory Council and the Emerging Space Leader Award by the International Aeronautical Federation with a press release here. My vision is to architect forward-thinking, sustainable healthcare and urban solutions, anchored in the wisdom of extreme environments.

Expertise Summary

Medicines management

Health service research

Pharmacists role



Extreme environments

Health literacy

Patient experiences

Intercultural competencies

Inter-professional collaboration


Teaching Summary

Dr Toh is currently teaching in the Gastrointestinal and Liver disease as well as in the Astropharmacy and Astromedicine module. She is the academic-lead for placements and interprofessional… read more

Research Summary

Li Shean's goal is to be the catalyst to improve clinical practice by utilizing evidence based research. Her recent research developed a pharmacist-led osteoporosis screening program at the primary… read more

Dr Toh is currently teaching in the Gastrointestinal and Liver disease as well as in the Astropharmacy and Astromedicine module. She is the academic-lead for placements and interprofessional education (IPE) in the MPharm course at the University of Nottingham. She also teaches research methods such as qualitative research.

In Australia, Dr Toh has also been responsible for the coordination, design and development of a pharmacy practice unit within the Bachelor of Pharmacy in Australia. She has experience in teaching pharmacology across many courses in Australia including Bachelor of Pharmacy, Bachelor of Nursing, Paramedic Practice, Bachelor of Medical Degree, Bachelor of Biotechnology and Masters of Pharmaceutical sciences.

Her teaching interest includes pharmacy practice, pharmacology, qualitative research methodology, quantitative research methodology, osteoporosis, primary care, screening, general practice, behaviour, intervention, translational research, interprofessional collaboration and intercultural competencies.

Li Shean is currently supervising several students in their PhD, Masters and Honours.

Current Research

Li Shean's goal is to be the catalyst to improve clinical practice by utilizing evidence based research. Her recent research developed a pharmacist-led osteoporosis screening program at the primary care level using the UK Medical Research Council (UK MRC) framework and the Behavioural Change Wheel (BCW). Since then she is expanding her research to developing Australian quality prescribing indicators for general practice. She is also involved in research with inter-professional collaboration and health literacy. Li Shean's internationalism has sparked a keen interest in cultural competencies research. Her latest research is in a novel field called Astropharmacy. This project involves developing pharmacy services in space travel and ensuring the health related technologies developed in space exploration can benefit all humankind for a sustainable future.'

Current projects:

  • Enhancing how medications can be used safely effectively in space exploration (Astropharmacy)
  • Cluster randomization trial of the pharmacist-led osteoporosis screening programme in Malaysia
  • Developing and implementing Australian quality prescribing safety indicators for general practice
  • Developing a Tasmanian secondary fracture prevention programme
  • The association of vertebral fractures and various medications using morphometric x-ray absorptiometry (MXA)
  • Exploring the osteoporotic patients' experience
  • Osteoporosis health literacy in postmenopausal women and healthcare professionals
  • Developing pharmacy services in space travel and exploring the effects of human factors in space travel

Past Research

Dr Li Shean is currently involved in a number of projects involving partnership between the disciplines of Pharmacy, Nursing and Medicine in Australia and Tasmanian general practices. She also has collaborations with UK, Italy and Malaysia. In the past, she has worked with the Malaysian Ministry of Health where state wide changes were made to the asthma management.

School of Pharmacy

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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