School of Physics & Astronomy

School Postdoc to present work at prestigeous SET for Britain event

Postdoc Ryan Beardsley has been selected to present his work on sasers at the prestigeous SET for Britain event at the House of Commons on the 14th March. SET for Britain is a governement programme designed to 'encourage, support and promote Britain's early-stage and early-career research scientists, engineers and technologists who are the "engine-room" of continued progress in and development of UK research and R&D, and ultimately of UK plc.' Ryan, who was supervised by Prof Tony Kent in the School, completed his PhD last year. The saser (phonon or sound laser) work he will present was recently named as one of the top ten physics breakthroughs of 2010 by Physics World magazine.

Posted on Tuesday 1st March 2011

School of Physics and Astronomy

The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham NG7 2RD

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