Year 12 Work Experience Programme 7-11 July 2025 - Online Application
Welcome to the School of Physics & Astronomy's Year 12 Work Experience Programme. The programme will give of order 21 students the opportunity to experience the exciting world of research that we are proud of here in our School. The programme will run from 7-11 July 2025 and will offer a variety of experiences across the week including:
- A chance to learn in depth about the cutting edge research we do in Astronomy, Condensed Matter Physics, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Particle Theory and Ultracold Atoms.
- The opportunity to interview a number of people in a research group from postgraduate students through to Professors.
- Based on the interviews undertaken and the research of a particular group the chance to prepare a poster describing that research and then present it at a mini conference on the final day.
- Throughout the week, the chance to attend talks presented by expert researchers on different aspects of the work we do at Nottingham.
- The opportunity to have a talk discussing applying to university and covering topics such as personal statements and interview skills
Please note that this Work Experience Programme is aimed at Year 12 students studying Physics and Maths.
Unfortunately accommodation cannot be provided.
The form should take about 15 minutes to complete and you will have an opportunity to write a 200 word personal statement to support your application.
You will need to provide details of a teacher who can provide a reference as to your suitability and eligibility for the course. Your named parent/guardian will be sent a copy of your application.
Please complete the form answering all questions and submit this form no later than 5pm on Friday 11th April 2025.